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Emma's pov

Kai went closer and closer his hands went up to my face. Then he squished my face and said

"Why are you so red and burning are you sick?"

"N-n-no" i stutter

"Why are you stuttering?" he went closer

"No nothing I'll just go to sleep goodnight" and I turned around holding my burning cheeks

"Okay night"

Author's pov

Meanwhile downstairs in the living room the other couples were planning something

"Okay so tomorrow is christmas!" Luke said

"Thank you captain obvious" Jai said while whacking him in the head

"Owww" Luke whined

"Okay back to what we are planning!" jai said like a boss

"Okay so we will put one here one upstairs and one in the kitchen!" The girls said

"Okay and if this doesn't work we will play truth or dare, 20 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle even if it works were playing these okay guys now decorate the house." Beau said

After Luke being tangled in tinsel, Beau falling of the chair, and Jai almost making the tree fall they were done

"That was intense!" someone said

"Hey guys I have an idea lets go see Emma and Kai!" Skye said having a smirk on that face

All of then went upstairs to Emma's room very quietly

"Aww look at them lets move them closer because look at that space!" Drew said like a criminal

"Okay Beau move them closer" Miranda said while pushing Beau in

Beau moved Emma and Kai closer to the limit of Kai putting his arms around Emma's waist and if Emma looks up they might kiss

"K I'm done let's go" Beau said almost tripping over something

"K" they all said

After that they all went asleep

Emma's pov

As the sun light shined on my eyes I was kinda awake but what I felt was a little ticklish breath on my neck when I turned around it was Kai who was breathing. I tried to move but I figured his arm was around my waist I tried to wiggle out of his hold but couldn't. I gave up and just stared at him looking at his face figure from his eyes to his chin. I tried to move again but his hold got tighter.

"Enjoying the view?" He said with his morning voice which to me sounds so se- I mean never mind.

"What were you going to say my voice is what?" he said smirkingly

'Did I say that out loud' I thought

"You did it again" he chuckled

"Arrrrg I'll just go to sleep!" I said shyly

"Aweew is wittle Emma shy!" he teased


" I know your faking Emma!"

"Go away!"

"Naaah" and he hug me

" You know what I'm just going to go"

I ran to the kitchen really fast to see everyone kissing


" Oh sorry!" they all yelled

"Like i said why kiss kiss in front of me!"

"Look up" Drew said

When I look up I saw a mistletoe

"Well this is awkward!"

I heard someone going down the stairs going this way do I ran to the table not wanting to waste my first kiss

' Arrg we need those two to be under the mistletoe' all the other couples thought

"Guys lets go to the living room' Miranda said while winking at the others

' Thats the signal' The couples said

The girls pushed me all of a sudden as when I looked to the right I saw the guys pushed Kai too as we both look forward we both saw mistletoe before we could protest we were already under it we both looked at each other and everything happened so fast I think Kai just took my first Kiss


Merry christmas

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