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As you peeps know I don't usually update zodiacs anymore! And I'm not today but as you can tell by the title we hit 2K! I dunno how because I've never been this popular but we have! You don't know how much I love you guys! And it was a good time to hit because I am in the making of a new fanfic that's gonna be made in a trio! We haven't got a title but we have a basic plot but I thought I'll be nasty and not tell you! Haha! Anyway your probably wondering about the Jerrie fanfic I was gonna do with Katherine! Well we're still doing it but the both of us have been really busy but we're hopefully gonna start it soon but it's not gonna be out for a long time because of other fanfics left undone! But anyway I freaking love you! 2K is nuts seen as I started this book last month!!

Stay awesome! Here's to 3K!

Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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