- Chapter 3 -

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter #3

Louis' POV

Within each dorm were three bedrooms each with two beds, one kitchen and dining area, a small laundry room and one bathroom. For the past three years at Cambridge High I've lived with the same guys, Zayn, Liam and Niall. At first we were complete strangers but now we're so close we're almost brothers. It's always been the same set up... Zayn and Niall in one bedroom and Liam in one and me in one. I don't know why it's arranged like that but it's been like that for two years so it most probably won't be changing! As I walked into the dormitory I see the tell tale signs that Niall has arrived... Aka a suitcase that looks like a bomb has exploded within it and two empty Dorrito Chip packets lying on the ground I picked one up to see if there were any remnants. 
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!" I heard Niall yell and next thing I knew he was charging straight at me, he grabbed the packet and ran back into the kitchen.
"Hello to you too Niall!" I jokingly called to his back while making my way into the communal kitchen were I knew he would be.
"'Arro watta u bin duuin?" I heard Niall say with a handful of chips in his mouth.
"Sorry Niall, I don't speak mouth-full-of-chips language, can you please repeat?"
"I said," Niall said indignantly "hello watta you been doing?" 
"That's strange cause I was sure that you said 'arro watta u bin duuin'" I teased him holding back a smirk. Niall pouted and turned his back on me in a mock temper tantrum. Just at that moment the door opened and two more boys walked in. 
"LIAM! ZAYN!" Niall enthusiastically greeted them and ran over to give them a bear hug.
"Niall!" I said in a mock disappointed tone. "I don't remember you giving me such a big welcome!" 
"Sorry mate." Niall replied as I walked over to join the group hug. After we had finished with the over the top group hug Liam suggested going down to the senior common room to find Ed.

Harry's POV 

I wonder what his hair would feel like? Would it be smooth or feathery? And his eyes, you could just look at them forever, they were so......
"Mr. Styles? The principal wants to see you now." The receptionist told me in a friendly voice. I pulled myself out of the daydream I had been having. It was out of the question... Louis looked as straight as a ruler and most probably was. I had to get a grip on myself, I was being pathetic!!!
I got up off the hard plastic chair and walked into the principal's office.


"Brian O'Scott High School is one of the highest academically scoring school. Your scholarship gives you 2 years of free tuition and board, it's the biggest scholarship available so I expect you to do your absolute best. The fact that you came into tho school later then most does not give you the right to slack off, if anything I expect you to be doing even better than most. There are hundreds of kids who would kill for your position so if your grades aren't up to expectations - well, let's just say you may be a little low on money." 
I shuddered a little as I let Principal Stratton's speech sink in. I knew he was just talking bull, the school was hardly as academic nor prestigious as he made out, in the acceptance test for the scholarship I tried out for there were 20 other applicants, but if Principal Stratton wanted to believe his little fantasy I wasn't going to stop him!
"You can leave now, collect your timetable and dorm key from the receptionist as you leave... Oh and could you please close the door on the way out?" Principal Stratton barked at me. 
"Yes Sir. Thank you." I said as I made my way out of the foreboding looking office room. 
As I collected the key, timetable and a map of the school the receptionist gave me a sympathetic smile... Obviously she knew what had happened at my last school... In fact I was probably the talk of the staff room... I bet every teacher knew what had happened. Great. I stormed out of the office and left the receptionist looking puzzled, well fuck her if she thinks I need sympathy. I looked at my map and walked towards the dorm number that was engraved on the key I was given.
The dorms were assigned completely randomly (but girls and boys in different dorms of course) but once the dorms were assigned you can't change, so for all I knew I could be stuck with a bully for the next 2 years - I hope not!! I think the best idea for me was probably to be friendly with my dorm mates but not get too close, you can't always trust people, you never know when they might change.
I slowly walked towards my room - dragging my feet and looking around at the school I was going to be confined in for 10 more weeks. Most of the school was a light grey colour with graffiti all over the lockers along the hall, Principal Stratton was pretty full on, but it was obvious that this school was nothing great.
I finally reached my dorm and held in a breath before opening the door.
"Hello?" I called out into the seemingly empty dorm room. I walked in cautiously, shutting the door behind me and putting my bags down in the already messy front room before looking through the dorm I was going to be stuck in for the next 10 weeks. It had 3 bedrooms, a kitchen/dining area and a bathroom which had a washing machine in it, weird! I returned to the living area bit and curled up on the sofa, not sure as to what to do before any of my new dorm mates got back.


Haloha Peeps!
How are you? MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Well it's actually Boxing Day where I am but idk for anyone else :/ NZ's ahead of most countries time-wise. Anywhores... Thanks for reading this far :) I'm not sure whether anyone will actually like it :( Oh well, I'm going to keep writing it anyway. I'm sorry if you want consistent updates etc. it's just too hard for me to do that, as I write all my chapters on my phone (I wouldn't be allowed on the computer for the length of time it would take for me to write a chapter) and even then I'm often not allowed on my phone which can get annoying :/ 
I tried to make this chapter longer then the last ones but it's kinda hard to judge how long it's going to end up being when I'm writing on notes as it seems really long now but probably won't be once it's on Wattpad :(
This chapter is dedicated toooooo... *drum roll* @Hello_Darling_ because she's awesome and is convinced that my stories aren't bad :) Thank you Ashley xxxxxxxx 
I'm not promising anything but maybe... Once I get 5 votes and 3 comments I may be more inspired to write and upload ;)
Ily all thank you for reading this probably extremely boring A/N!!</pre>

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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