Beautiful Mess (pt. 1)

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Cara gasped, a shiver of shame and excitement running through her.

Kendall’s lips parted and then curled in disgust. A quiver ran through her body, and she felt her stomach clench. A moment later she felt bile rising in her throat and only just managed to stop it from reaching a critical level.

Cara’s eyes widened and her lips parted. She tried to speak, but her words left her as she met Kendall’s eyes.

Desperately, Cara’s hand lifted from her side and she extended it in front of her, towards Kendall.

Ugh...” Kendall managed to choke out, the sound accompanied by a full body shudder.

The verbalization stirred her into motion, and with one last revolted look at Cara she turned on her heel and walked out of the bathroom.

Cara’s eyes lowered in shame.

Her arm flopped back to her side, useless.

“She could’ve joined in,” Amber murmured against Cara’s neck, her hand between Cara’s legs, her thumb circling her clit, making Cara twitch, before she dipped her fingers inside of the British blonde once more.

Involuntarily, Cara shuddered and bucked.

Amber smiled against her neck.

Cara lifted her hands to Amber’s shoulders, and pushed, the motion hard enough to break the contact between Amber’s lips and her neck.

All she could see in her mind’s eyes was Kendall’s appalled expression, and she was appalled herself.

Amber was one of the sexiest human-beings that Cara had ever encountered, but Cara was also pretty sure that she was heartless and soulless. Amber was everything that she had ever hated in anyone, ever, all compacted into one impeccably dressed, 5 foot 7 inch package of stunningly gorgeous gold digger.

And Cara was pressed up against the side of a fancy restroom stall, with her panties, jeans and shoes scattered around the marbles floor and Amber’s fingers inside of her, wet enough that she could hear Amber fucking her.

Cara’s eyes fluttered. The thought of what she was doing, the realization, only making her wetter.

Amber trained her hawk-like gaze on Cara and curled her fingers inside of the British blonde, loving the way Cara’s hips rolled into her. Amber hadn’t thought it possible, but Cara was even hornier than before Kendall had walked in, and the knowledge made her moan.

Cara was a dirty slut, and Amber loved every filthy inch of her.

“I could stop,” Amber said softly, her fingers stilling as she stared at Cara unblinkingly as the blonde’s hands remained on her shoulders.

Cara’s breathing was shallow and rapid and she had to fight to keep her hips from bucking.

It was wrong.

It was more than wrong.

It was sick.

She didn’t just dislike Amber, she loathed her. The older blonde was using her, blackmailing her and trying to destroy her career.

Amber wiggled her fingers and Cara whimpered.

She should never have let Amber touch like this in the first place. And she certainly shouldn’t have allowed it to happen again, now, after all that had happened between them.

She should stop it. She could stop it. Amber was presenting her with an opportunity to end it.

But she hesitated.

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