CHAPTER 3 - The Growing Fear

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Sheen entered the room like an air. He saw Evelyn standing there, at the very front of the open window she used to stare. She was holding the iron shaft of where her dextrose is attached to. Her oversize hospital gown is gradually being blown by the wind. Her long blond locks turned into a messy bun.

Every single sound coming from the cars outside had been a very clear noise in Sheen's ears but it seems to delight Evelyn at the scene.

He fixed himself and pulled his collar and the bottom of his green polo. He took few head turns back to the door and have seen guards leaning against the wall, arms folded. He rubbed his eyes and finally went on walking with the door still open.

"It's... so... strange..." Evelyn said out of nowhere. "...It's a day and a half and still, and still... no one was able to see any traces of the man." she added in a melancholic tone. She moved and looked down the window while her lips suddenly parted in a brief confusion.

"You don't have to worry anymore Evelyn..." he said as he swallowed and wet his lips with his tongue. "You've got all the protection here, the guards are there twenty-four seven to look over you..." he continued realizing that his mouth still felt uncomfortably dry. "And you have me to protect you..." Sheen sweetly added.

"Not even the security guards outside could find him... but-but he was there, lurking in the shadows." She murmured, obviously nervous as she took few steps towards Sheen to give herself a clearer vision of him. "For a person who has unfinished business, giving up is a laugh" She stated.

Sheen's confidence grew. He knew that he needs to comfort Evelyn. His lingering feelings led him to drawing himself closer and closer to her. Suddenly, Apollo came in hurriedly, exhausted and panting to death. Sheen's tongue plunged deep unexpectedly, rolling down to his throat. Chills ran down to his system and left his eyes wide open in the middle of the room.

"Something has happened to Hanon! I already called the police... I - I, I was able to get this outside, only ... this." Apollo said as he reached Hanon's scarf.

There was a thick spur of blood staining its white flower design that in any case, anyone who sees it would believe she died of the situation. Sheen took three steps back to give his self some distance. He took a deep lungful of air to steady his breathing and keep his hands stable. He reached to the scarf and could still feel the blood is fresh.

"Hanon..." Sheen murmured. He braced his back against the steel patience bed, staring at the light above his head and murmured hopelessly. "Hanon...".

Sheen turned his attention back to Apollo, trying to collect his thought. He ogled at him with renewed interest and swings an experimental punch to him. Apollo did not see it coming, creating a little passage of blood between his lips; there was a moment of confusion for Apollo. He heard a deep clunk of steel in front of him where Sheen was in all fours.

Another straight punch was released by Sheen but Apollo readily evaded. There was an obvious surge of anger in Sheen as others froze in shock.

"You! You bastard! She was there to find you! None of this could have happened if - if you just stayed!" Sheen shouted to Apollo.

"I did not wish to be followed... Sheen, this isn't time to act like a baby!" Apollo begged and snarled in fury tone. "We have to act now!"

"Look who's talking now! Huh! Isn't it you who acts like a baby?! You need nothing but a babysitter! You-need-a-baby-sitter!" Sheen shrugged dismissively. Just as before Sheen could land another punch to Apollo, a security guard grappled his arm.

A police appeared out of breath at the door. Trying to get in between the conversation, the police popped himself and started talking in front of them. He handed a thick paper with a message:

"If you're looking for someone missing, you probably need to hurry. Somebody needs your help real bad..."

"Dammit! Dammit! This isn't funny! Dammit!" Sheen shouted as he gradually kicks the metallic bed. "We have to act fast! We have to find my sister!"

"Sir, we have to prepare ourselves, I think this isn't some sort of... kidnapping. Your sister's persecutor didn't ask for any ransom or what. I think this is some sort of... personal. And... Far worse is coming." The police explained to Sheen clearly.

"Then what are we supposed to do?! What am I gonna do?!" Sheen shouted with his hands fisting his hair.

"We have to be careful; we've sent already our team to investigate and do certain measures." The police said.

Sheen closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. The clean cold air filled his lungs and gave him a renewed sense of hope.

Meanwhile, Evelyn who was listening from the very start was still standing in front of the window. She looked at them like she was contemplating a deep problem. Suddenly, she fell on her knees holding her head as if there was a strong presence of pressure pressing into her skull. Every moment she savor her losing breath was a moment of ear damaging cry.

"Shit! Eve!" Apollo shouted as he rushed towards where Evelyn is heavily pasted. He could feel the shaking body of Evelyn as his hand snaked on her shoulder. "Evelyn, what happened? Are you okay?" He asked while unraveling the threads of hair covering Evelyn's face.

Sweat beaded on Evelyn's forehead. She was cold; she could really feel the chilling damp working on her body like a disease. Apollo was still brushing Evelyn's hair while asking the same questions. She was unnaturally calm but she wore an unusual grin on her face. There were moistures on her eyes that Apollo kept on wiping.

Apollo slipped his hands under her armpits and dragged her back to the bed while Sheen went out of the room disrespectfully, never giving his farewell to anybody.
There were giggles that oddly came from Evelyn. Her smile ran to her ears and biting her nails seems to be a sudden habit. Apollo was about to kiss her forehead but Evelyn lashed out a slap but Apollo evaded it quickly. It brought shock to Apollo and his conundrums were delivered to a deeper confusion.

Evelyn shouted as she keeps on kicking the sheet on her bed. She tightly hugged her pillow and gradually hides her face on it away from Apollo. She is very scared and her endless sobs drove the guards inside the room. Evelyn seems to become a total stranger for Apollo because of her peculiar actions.

Evelyn was restrained by the guards heavily. She grabbed the railing to greatly shift a force from the metal on her bed to her unending kicks. The room was filled with loud screeches from the people brought by panic. Nurses came and the doctor followed, they gave Evelyn a heavy shot of tranquilizers that could make her sleep in a little while. Her ivory black hair fluttered around her face as she collapsed back to her bed.

"Why do you have to hurt Philomena? She was afraid... don't hurt her" It was few of the last things Evelyn said.

"Doc, what is she saying? I don't recognize someone ... someone who has that name." Apollo asked in a desperate - worried tone.

"Don't worry Mr. Beck she might just be having some hallucination because of the medicines she was taking... or... something like this can also be brought by... stress... we're not still sure until we can't conduct another test Mr. Beck. My sense is, she might also be remembering a memory... part of which... is probably the thing that have happened to her lately..." Doctor Osteen answered in hope to relieve Apollo's worries. "Let us just let her rest, she'll need it for tomorrow's tests."

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