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day fourteen was the new worst for emily, just when she thought she'd experienced all of the heart break in the world; she returned from a distracting day out with simon to realise that harry had been back to their flat.

she knew harry had been back before she had noticed the lack of his stuff, she could smell his deodorant and for the first time in two weeks the flat almost felt like home again. but of course it was empty now, most of his clothes were gone and the picture of them in the hallway was smashed against the floor.

emily's heart had risen to her throat as she bent down to pick up the broke frame, her heart hurting more than the cut that had made its way across her hand as the glass had caught her.

emily dropped the photo onto the floor as she stormed into the kitchen to run her hand under the sink, she was angry. how could harry do this to her? after everything that they'd gone through, after everything she had done for him how could he have had the nerve to do this?

it had been almost five minutes before emily had realised that the cut on her hand was too deep and that the blood wasn't going to stop, her head felt light as she wrapped it in a towel and picked up her phone.

for a moment she forgot her situation and gone to call harry before deciding against it, he probably wouldn't even answer - which left emily with no other option but to either call one of the boys, freya or sarah.

she tried simon first, but when he didn't answer she then tried both freya and sarah - but today didn't seem to be her day as no one would answer their phones.

but she sighed in relief when cal answered the phone, his voice cheery as he said "hey emily"

"hey cal" emily smiled softly "can you do me a favour?" she asked sweetly, her mind racing.

something wasn't right about how she feeling right now, not that she had felt right at all for the past two weeks.

"of course, what's up?" cal asked nicely, emily could hear the tv softly playing in the background and she wondered if harry was watching it with him

"can you pick me up and take me to the hospital" she asked "i cut my hand on some glass"

"shit, emily" cal panicked as he stood up quickly, he began looking for his keys as he asked "is it bad?"

emily lightly chuckled "yeah it's pretty bad"

"like pain bad or bleeding bad?" he questioned further as he grabbed his keys off the side ready to leave

"both, it's pretty deep too" emily admitted causing cal to walk towards the door faster

"where you off?" a voice asked cal as he was about to leave

"to emily's" he told the boy, a small smile on his face as he kept his phone pressed to his ear, his hand covering the mic so that emily wouldn't hear harry

"why?" harry swallowed sharply, anger running through his veins as he stared at cal

"taking her to hospital" cal almost spat at his friend

"i'll be there in a second, emily" cal spoke down the phone before hanging up

"why does she need to go hospital?" he asked in a panic, his heart dropping as he awaited an answer

"she done something to her hand" cal said in a dull tone "says it pretty bad"

"holy shit" harry breathed his mind racing and his heart pounding as he spoke "i'm coming"

"i don't think that's a good idea" cal admitted "you broke up with her, she's probably not gonna want you there"

harry thought for a second before nodding "right" he said and then he simply watched as his best friend left their apartment in a hurry, in order to attend to his ex girlfriend

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