Someone's Birthday

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Yesterday, was crazy, is all I can say. Julia was almost left on a train, we moved in with people, I had to yell at Xena, and more drama happened. The yelling at Xena is something that happens all the time, so it wasn't too crazy.

"Today, we step into day two of the battlefield! Don't let your guard down today at all, Nevy!" Xena exclaims then I roll my eyes as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Xena, this is not a battlefield. You know what it's like to even be in a battlefield. And plus, all of these guys are my roommates. So, if you have a problem with them, then head on back to Hell called my home." I tell Xena then we walk out of my room and head to Julia's room and knock on her door. "Julia, come on. Let's head downstairs and eat breakfast." I tell her then Julia opens her door with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Sis." Julia greets then we walk to the elevator and go to the kitchen where Ukyo was setting the table.

"Ukyo, you made all of this?" I ask then Ukyo looks at me with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm in charge of making all of the food here." Ukyo answers then Julia sits down at a chair, smelling the air.

"Ukyo-san, it smells amazing!" Julia compliments then Ukyo smiles at her.

"Thank you, Julia." Ukyo responds then Xena jumps on the table,smelling Julia's food.

"No poison in it, Nevy! It's all good!" Xena approves, making me roll my eyes.

"Ξένα, σε παρακαλώ συμπεριφερθείτε. (Xena, please behave)" I request then Wataru walks into the dining room.

"Good morning, Big Sis." Wataru greets and I smile at him.

"Morning, Wataru." I greet then he smiles at me.

"I'm so happy!" Wataru cheers. "You'll be having breakfast with us from now on, right?" He asks then I nod.

"Yes. I'm excited to be having breakfast with all of you, too." I agree then Wataru sits next to Julia then Yusuke and Subaru walk into the room. "Morning, Red-Head." I greet Yusuke then he looks at me.

"Hey." Yusuke greets then I punch his shoulder as he walks past me and he punches my shoulder back.

"Good morning, Subaru." I greet then Subaru stands next to me.

"Hey." Subaru greets then he walks away.

I sit down next to Yusuke with Julia on the other side of me. Then Xena sprints across the table, growling and barking at Yusuke.

"You pervert! Don't stare at my Nevy!" Xena shouts then I growl at Xena.

"Ξένα, κατέβα από το τραπέζι ενώ οι άνθρωποι τρώνε. Κανείς δεν θέλει να μυρίζει την ανάσα του σκύλου το πρωί. (Xena, get off the table while people are eating. No one wants to smell dog breath in the morning)" I tell Xena then she jumps off the table, trotting over to the couch and lays down on it.

"Nevaeh, you have glasses?" Yusuke asks and I nod.

"Yeah." I answer.

"How come?" Yusuke asks then I shrug.

"These are X-Ray vision glasses." I lie then Yusuke rolls his eyes. "You asked a stupid question so I gave you a stupid answer." I tell him as I start eating.

"I've never seen you wear glasses before, so I didn't know you had glasses." He tells me then I nod.

"I'm nearsighted and I usually use contacts. I left them at my house, so I gotta have one of my brothers bring them to me." I explain.

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