We're sorry

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Emilia POV
Mum and dad called both me and Eduardo to the living room, and even the dogs. I didn't know what was happening, but then mum was crying. Both of them couldn't speak nothing came out of them. Then dad said "we're sorry, it's for the best, your mum is going to live with Oma and auntie Erika for a bit and then we will sort it out you guys have to stay here." No one said anything for about 2 minutes mums head was in her hands, she couldn't breath she was crying too much, dad was looking down at the floor, I had tears running down my face and Eduardo went out and started kicking things but dad then ran after him. I didn't know what to say I knew it was coming but not today... why, why, why are they divorcing!
Dad and Eduardo came back in.
Eduardo began to speak " why are you divorcing anyway what's going to happen to us!" He stared crying and I calmed him down, mum went out the room.
"Dad why won't you listen!?"
Eduardo shouted
"It's over alright, you can't do anything about it I love your mum but it's not working out!"
Dad left the room.
Me and Eduardo sat there in silence.
I told Eduardo it's for the best and then went up to my bedroom and cried...

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