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Delaynie was stuck listened to what they believed was a nuisance of a conversation for they had ran into their cousin. Looking at their talkative danish "kin" they would put in their input when he would allow them to. Anthony, the plague doctor that stood before them was going on about someone he had met,Sounding like a lovestruck teenager, only making Delanie feel sorry and annoyed for the one this man was talking about.
"I swear," delanie changed the subject of the conversation when they saw best, " it's a wonder how Sam could stand living with you at points."
"Heheh, ya never talk about sam often like he was the victim of a massacre" ,mocked Anthony before being smacked on the back of the head. " or even like to talk about him."
"You have annoyed me with all this nuisance of finding someone ,other than your brother, to talk to if even a person existed. How could anyone stand to talk to you?"
"Aww fætter" Anthony sounded more amused than saddened by this comment from the deer headed creature that he has claimed to be his cousin. "You're talking to me at this moment and you exist."
Delanie stared angered by what the mad man had called him and said, "Than I take it you have not registered that you have been following me." As their paced quickened to again get away from the doctor.
Only did it take a few minutes for the duo to meet up with another of their "kin". Sam was there in front of the path as if knowing his older brother would be coming this way. His mask not showing any expression for seeing Delanie with his so called brother. Though Delaynie grew more agitated at the sight of him
" lillebror, what are doing here? I would have thought you would be at the asyl." Laughed Anthony.
" Stóri bróðir, don't tell me you've bothered the hunters about lords know what again?" A monotone voice came from the younger of the two plague doctors.
Delanie couldn't stand being near the guy. HIs brother was just a pain.They would continue going to where they wanted and not let Anthony tell them anything that popped into his head and come with them. For they preferred what silence was to offer than the eldest of the Underwoods none stop talking. They soon came upon that of an abandoned building that they had heard had become the home of a large creature that was disturbing the peace in the town.
Silently the tall creature entered and had deciding to ready themself to slay the thing as soon as they see it.
Making their way farther into the building there wasn't any sign of what Delaynie would normally come across, no shedded snake skin from a nagga or any spider webs from the large arachne that would be found in such a building.
Though on some occasions they would come across random wax on the ground. As if a candle was being carried by someone.
Delaynie soon began to smell melting wax,while walking to a room with its door shut. In order to not allow what was behind the door know that they were entering the room it could be in they slowly allowed their body to break into little particles of graphite and entered the room from the crack underneath. There they saw sitting in the empty room was a clown made of melting wax, after their head had reform itself, looking away from the door.
Delanie realizing who it was almost laughed to themself as they focused turning their hand into the diamond claw. For this was once a patient to their cousin's workplace, the one that Sam had failed to keep from escaping. Stepping closer to the waxey clown it's head snapped to Delanie.
"Well, nice to meet you,Candlestick was it? You were the one that caused my "good" friend Sam to be so antagonizing randomly." Delanie finally let out a chuckle.
The candle creature only looked in their direction. No flame was visible in the head as its mouth opened slightly where the wick was to be aflame.
Delanie thought it was best to take action before their prey. Siftly and nimbly they closed the gap between them and it. Their arm ready to swipe the massive claw at the melting figure before it. It only seemed to keep the "painted" grin on it circular face as Delaynie was swinging the arm to the legs, for that was the closest limb that they would reach without jumping. They (of course) thought that they would cause the limp clown to collapse closer to the ground. Their claw though did not cause this effect for the claw had only went through it's legs, which had the diamonds react as if it were flesh touching the stove tops, after going through the still heated wax.
Candlestick looked at the smaller figure that had attempted to knock it down. Lifting up one of it's sleeve covered arm, that looks similar to a straight jacket, performed the same task the other in the room had failed to do. The flame was now burning as the clown seemed to be laughing.
Delanie gasps due to the shock, and pain at that the action clown had chosen to do, and seeing the fire. Some wax sticking to their torso drying into a hard shell.
Candlestick moved to go around the fallen carbon creature that was almost paralyzed from the waxy shell.
Realizing that the wax shell would prevent delaynie from moving faster they broke the shell and that the clown was trying to get out of the room. They got up from the ground as soon as the candle clown was making its way for the door. The clown ignoring the deer faced creature that had got off the ground. It opened the door and was moving down the halls with Delaynie following.
Delaynie was trying to catch up with the melting taller figure. He was trying to think of a way to slow or stop the clown from making it out of the building. Nothing was around and they knew that they had no effect on the clown and didn't want to cause damage to their own graphite made body from the heat of the clown. Soon Delaynie slowed down and allowed the candle creature to leave the build. They followed to the exit but stopped as soon as exiting the building.
They felt agitated that they too had failed to contain or eliminate Candlestick.
Looking in the direction that the trail of wax lead to they went off in the opposite direction and thought that they should come up with a way to slaughter Candlestick next time they came across it.

(This was a school assignment and I kinda thought why not)

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