The Hotel

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-Tay POV-

I was first up and M'kay was still asleep. "Wake up you little dork!" i said throwing a pillow at her face. "Can you please let me sleep God!" she said throwing the pillow to her side.

I left her in the room asleep. I was hungry and just needed something to eat! I was running down the hall when i bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked getting up. "Yea,I'm fine." I looked up and saw that it was Tyler. *M'Kaylah's crush*

"Oh Hey Tyler!" I said hugging him. "Hey Taylor!" he said kind of girly. "What are you doing here?" I let go of him. "Same thing you are." he said laughing. "Shut up!" i said hitting him on his face. "Damn it now i look like Jacob." he said.. I died laughing. "Your mean!"  He was still laughing. "Come on!" i said pulling him.

"You HAVE to meet my friend M'Kaylah. She's great. I love her to death." He nodded and we finally reached our room. I open the door slowly and see Kaylah on her phone. "Kaylah? I have a surprise for you!" she looks up from her phone and sees Tyler. "This is a dream! Oh my gosh! Taylor!!" she gets up trying not to be too excited and hugs me. "Is that Tyler?" she whispers in my ear. I nod and she turns to him. "H-hi Tyler." she says quietly trying not to blush. Tyler scans her body and she realizes she's wearing a thong and a baggy shirt."Hi M'Kaylah. Nice to finally meet you. You are-" he cuts himself off and says under his breath,"gorgeous." Kaylah's face floods with pinks and reds. She looks down embarrassed and flattered. "Well...thanks Tyler..." she walks up to him and hugs him. "We should get dressed." I say breaking the silence.

   We get dressed and walk out of the room to see Tyler standing outside. "My lady" he says and takes Kaylah's arm. They are totally meant for each other. We get outside and an uber is parked up front. Tyler opens the door and Kaylah slides in. "Where are we going?" Kaylah asks curiously. "We,my lady,are going to the meet and greet. But first,a meal would be great." she smiles as Tyler gets in next to her,putting his arm over her shoulders.

*skip to restaurant*

"What do you want to eat baby girl?" Tyler asks pulling Kaylah towards him by her waist. "I want to sleep..." she says giving him puppy eyes. "Okay. I'll have a chicken salad and a chicken sandwich. Taylor what do you want?" I walk up to the counter slowly,passing Tyler and Kaylah flirting. "Hi. I would like a small milkshake please. And a large for the couple. Thanks." I say whispering the last two parts. "Okay ma'am your total will be 20 dollars and 74 cent please. Will that be debit or credit?" she says as I pull out my debit card. "Debit please." I swipe my card and grab my table number. I walk to the back of the restaurant to a booth that has Tyler and Kaylah sitting together. "Hey Taylor." I don't respond and just sit down. "Are you okay?" asks Kaylah. My eyes begin to shut and I feel my body shut down. "Taylor!!" I hear a distant scream. All I see is black.
Woah. Okay,that chapter Could've been better. Oh well. Like and follow. Love you guys. Stay gorgeous!!😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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