Y/n Your name
L/N Last name
Y/YTC Your YouTube Channel
H/C Hair color
F/N Friend Name
((Other things will be added))
Hey Hey!! Y/YTC!!! Remember Me??
Uh No?.... Shoot... I remember.... I suppose to be like uh an unknown person... Yup...
So I...
"Hello my beautiful Mar Mars!!!" exclaimed Marlin doing his intro. "I'm here with... Drumroll please! Y/YTC!!" He said doing a cinema thing on me as I just dab a little.
Then we just laughed a bit, "So what is the prank for today?" I asked Marlin who shrugged a bit.
"Oh ummmmm... Yeah! That is it!" He said with a nervous laugh.
"The Guava juice slime?" I said as I hold out....
"Okay??? Were did you got that?" Said Marlin with widen eyes.
I look at the camera with a thumb up. "Guava juice boxes are in Roi's channel! So check his channel! It very awesome!" I said throwing the box as it hit Marlin,who said a little Ouch.
"Let's hop into it!" I exclaimed, "Hey! I thought this was MY Channel!" Laughed Marlin.
I shrugged, "Not Today!!"
~ A Little Tiny Timeskip brought you by DRAMATIC VOICE!~
I was holding the camera from afar from Roi and Marlin as Marlin was sneaking up behind Roi with Guava juice slime.
"BOO!!" Yelled Marlin dropping the Guava juice slime on Roi.
"What The!?!?---" Rou shouted as he felled on the ground...
Did he fainted!?!??!
Oh geez, First I murder somebody before cause I was a huge yandere of something and now this!!!?
Not like I did any murder! Haha! Who would do That?!
I quickly run down stairs to check on a fainted Roi and a panicking Marlin.
I accidentally dropped the camera on the ground sideways, as I went to Guava Juice...
"Oh man!!!! Don't be dead! Don't die on me man!!" I thought in my mind as I slide next to Roi.
Checking on a heart beat.
"MARLIN!!! ROI!!!" I screamed as Roi bolded up,laughing as Marlin did the same.
"Oh my goodness Gracious N/N!! You just been pranked!!!" Laughed out Marlin.
As I let let out a huge groan, faceplaming on my mask/Something like that. Which look likely Like Ticci Toby's...
Yup, The creepy pasta Ticci Toby.
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(( Change the colors if you want! And I don't own this picture!!)) ._.
Look Marlin told me that he doesn't like, Uh.How do you say it.
Make Roi Fanboying.
"This isn't on a Prank on Roi! It more like (nickname) Got pranked on!!" Said Marlin as Roi agreeed with him.