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                    Chapter 14

     I get out of the car and look up at the house it had to be 4 story's tall.

   Since I woke up and I've got flashbacks of me and Taylor. When we got home it was late and Taylor set me up in a guest room.

     I said thank you he hugged me I felt as if I was floating in space and then he showed me where his room was.

   I couldn't sleep I was just laying there when I got a flash of sleeping with Taylor. I was so clam and asleep.

   I got up and put on one of his shirts and walked in his room and he woke up and said is there something wrong.

  I didn't say a word I calmed in bed with him and laid my head on his chest and he smiles and plays with my hair everything seemed right I drift off laying on him.

   When I woke up I had all the pieces of my 17, 18, and 19 ages covered but there's one thing I don't know.??

      I walk downstairs and straight up ask Taylor, Taylor who shot me.? He looks at ne surprised and say gang member they got the wrong house.

   It didnt sound right but I can't argue what I can't remember I smile and say oh ok I'm going to get food what do you want.?

   He smiles and tells me and I get in the car when I get to the gate there hundreds of people outside.

   I stopped and say why are you here they say Taylor Launters in there. I drive off and say no once famous lives there.

     I get to subyourway and make our orders and after start walking to the car as a van pulls up I get a flash of the van the on that shot me I scream as I'm forced inside.

      They laugh as I scream and say your shots all better. I look at them and say you shot me.

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