November 2nd 1983

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Scout Convel- the Supernatural world

22 years ago
November 2nd 1983

Mary Winchester sprinted to her phone and dialled the only number that she could call that could help. After four rings she heard a voice: "Mary. What's wrong? Is everything ok?". Mary didn't hesitate to answer. "Scout, I need you to look after and protect my boys with your life. You owe me. Do you understand?" Mary's voice didn't waver as she repeated "Do you understand?".
"I understand. I will. I promise." Scout mumbled quietly but sternly. There was a short pause of silence before Scout spoke up, "but Mary what's-" she was cut of by the beep ending the call.

Mary slowly and quietly walked into her youngest son, Sam's nursery to see her husband, John and her eldest son, Dean whispering goodnight to Sam. "Ok you two you should get to bed, it's late," she smiled as they turned around. "Ok mommy." Dean obliged as he kissed Sam's forehead and said goodnight before taking his Dad's hand and leaving the room with John. "Goodnight." John whispered as he kissed his wife's cheek and walked out of the room with Dean. Mary bent down into Sam's crib and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Sammy," she said. As Sam drifted asleep. She walked out of his room and switched off the light.

Scout knew immediately that there was something wrong when Mary had called her

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Scout knew immediately that there was something wrong when Mary had called her. She hadn't spoken to her since, Mary had saved her, so after the call ended she immediately jumped into her 1965 Chevy Impala convertible and drove as quickly as she could to see what was wrong. It would be a long 2 hour journey.

Mary was awoken by a loud noise. She got up quickly to investigate and went straight down the hallway to Sam's bedroom. However, she noticed a figure standing over the crib and immediately relaxed believing her husband had got to the nursery before her. As she turned round to go and check on Dean, she saw the lights flickering in the hallway and went downstairs. To her horror she found the television on and John asleep on the sofa. "Sammy!" She rushed back up the stairs to her sons bedroom realising it was an intruder looking over Sam. As she entered she saw the figure turn around and yellow orbs glare back at her.

As Scout neared the Winchester household, she heard screaming from a mile down the road with her supernatural hearing. She stepped on the accelerator as the engine roared down the road.

"Mary!" John gasped as he saw his wife's body burning on the ceiling. As he sprinted to pick up Sam, he noticed the yellow eyes of the figure that murdered his wife and the evil smirk it gave him before it disappeared. He ran out of the room and handed Sam to Dean. "Take your brother outside now, Dean go!" Dean obeyed his father's orders and ran through the hall.

Scout saw the burning house and stopped the car in the middle of the room and used her supernatural speed to sprint to the door of the house and kick it down. She noticed Dean with Sam in his arms making his way down the stairs to the door. She sped up to them and sped them outside onto the grass. She knelt down to Dean's level. "You're going to be ok. I promise." She spoke softly before rushing back inside to get John.

The firemen pulled up at the house and put the fire out. Scout watched John and his boys from afar. The rage, anger, vengefulness and sadness that was in John's eyes was scary and heartbreaking all at the same time. A tear slipped from her eye and she quickly wiped it away before walking over to John and staring at him straight in the eyes and he stared back. "Listen to me. You are not going to remember me unless you or your boys are in danger, then you will. But for now I want you to forget who I am." Scout's green eyes compelled John and he repeated everything she said. As he blinked Scout was gone.

 As he blinked Scout was gone

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