Rinto's stupidity

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"Fine" The boy, "Oliver" huffed out.

"But where's she going to sleep today? Since. Y'know. There. Is. No. Bed. Today." A sly smirk appeared on his face as he closed his one eye, making him look as if he were proud.

Rinto wrapped his arms around me and started dragging me away.

"Whatttttttt are you doing?!!" I half screamed and half casually talked as he dragged me up a flight of stairs.

"Taking you to my roommmmm.... I don't want you to be with him." He leaned in and whispered, "He sometimes sings. While crying........" He paused, wide-eyed. "That's a lie. He sometimes sings. But. They're-" He looked left and right. "Lovveeeee sonnngggsss" he whisper-screamed.

"Uhmmmm....okay?? He's just in love. I guess. Your point is??" I said walking down the first step.

"Well. He's 20."

"And you're 18. " I said stepping on the second step.

"No!! At least come in!" He pleaded, and ran after me, causing him to trip and fall. Annnddddd who broke the fall?

Me. Obviously. Lol.

(Dell's Pov)

Oliver was doing a backflip when we heard loud thumps and girly screeching.

I walked over to where the sounds came from and stared at the weird scene.

Rinto was on top of (y/n) screeching with that girly screech of his, while (y/n) was seemingly unconscious.

"Rinto, you can stop screeching now.....and Congratulations, you killed her. How much do you even weigh?" I said as I stared at him.

"Did not!! Look! She's still breathing!" He pointed at her, wide-eyed. He then leaned in  making his face squish into her face.

"Yeah....breathing..... And I weigh 52 kilograms."

"Rinto. What the heck? You gained 5 pounds!!" Oliver grunted as he shoved him off of (y/n).

He turned (y/n) around and stared at her.

"Oliver, what in the world are you doing?" I said as I walked up a step and sat on it.

"I dunno."

"Ey, stop staring at her! She's mine! You're too young! And you're too old!" He said pointing at both of us.

"Dude--" I sighed. "You know what. It's 7:30 pm I think I'm going now." "She's not my problem."

"Eh? Huehuehue okeeee"

(Time skip)

(Y/n)'s Pov


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