When I Wake Up (Reginald Kastle)

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You've known Reginald since you were little kids, and you two were been best friends. You had a lot of things in common. Even though you got on each others nerves some of the time. You were pretty good friends with Rio too. But then you started moving all over the world with your mom four years ago, and you had never seen him since then. Every now and then you heard rumors about the rising star "Shark". But you never knew if you would ever be able to see him again.


"OK Mom, where's are next destination?" You asked, resting your arms on the back of the recliner. You were used to moving around a lot now. And you stopped trying to make new friends a long time ago. Your mom got out her computer and checked the new destination for her next movie. "Hmm... Heartland city. What do you know (Y), we're going to be able to visit our hometown for a month! You excited?" "Nothing excites me anymore, Mom." You laughed obnoxiously, and went to your room. You and your Mom lived on your private jet. Your Mom's manager almost always sent you a new pilot to take you to your next destination. It made you feel like some kind of flying circus. The animals that were always taken wherever the keeper wanted at anytime and did whatever they wanted. It was just sickening. Your room was small, but cozy. You had a nice bed, a cute dresser, and your own little bathroom. Despite how your Mom was wealthy, they only made private jets so big. But your room was the only thing you liked about traveling. You sat on your bed and rested your hand on your face, then moved them and plopped down on your bed and groaned. "Heartland, huh?"


*sigh* (Y), no day goes by without me thinking about you. I just wish you would come back to me.


You arrived in Heartland city the next day at about 6am, and your Mom planned on making you go to school. You sighed. Hate school, hate people. Just want to stay home and slowly die. Don't want to go to school, just want everyone to go away. But instead you said, "Fine." Your Mom handed you the new uniform for the next school you were going to. Though, before school even started you would always switch your skirt out with some old jeans you had. Because those skirts are just ridiculous! You got off the jet, where your new Nanny walked you to school. You got a new one every month. "OK (Y), good luck on your first day at your new school, have fun, make lots of friends. You're here for a month." She said, straightening you up. "Whatever." And you walked away inside the building. You went to the bathroom and changed into the jeans you had in your bag. Then casually walked to your next class. "Miss (Y), you're late. And what in the world are you wearing? There is a dress co-" "Don't care." You replied annoyingly, and sat down at an empty seat in the back of the room. "You do notice I have the authority to send you home, Miss (Y)?" "Then do it. I'm ready to get out of this dump." You groaned, hand resting on your face. The teacher was shocked by the way you addressed her, but decided to continue teaching anyway. Always calling on you, but you were never paying attention and always answered with "I don't know." The other students laughed, but you didn't care. You just rolled your eyes and waited for school to be over. When it did you just walked out of the classroom. That's when you saw him. Walking outside, hands in his pockets, Reginald Kastle. But when you were about to run up to him and say "hi", you started to think. Four years have gone by since you've seen him, he might not even remember you. Then you thought about when you'll have to leave again. How could you go through leaving him again. You slowed to a stop, and turned around. Pulling your hand away, as you ran in the other direction.


I could have sworn I heard someone run up to me, but when I turned around there was no one there. Gives me this weird feeling. I feel like something's going on.

~(Y)~ You walked out of school around the back after you changed back into your skirt, and waited for everyone to leave before you got in your limo waiting out front. You watched people walk past the car with 'Oohs and Ahhs'. You rolled your eyes. "What are you doing back here?" You jumped at the voice, and swung around. It was a boy. "Who are you?" "The names Yuma, Yuma Tsukamo!" "Yuma, huh? Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on people." "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Is that your limo?" You looked at the car and thought for a minute, then nodded. "Why are you back here then." "Why are YOU back here?" "I'm trying a shortcut!" "Well, it's not very short if you're talking to me now, is it?" "...OH YEAH!! See you, uh..." "(Y)" "Right. See you, (Y)!" "Dang!" Everyone was gone as you snuck into the car. "Did you have a good day, (Y)." You smiled obnoxiously. "Just another day in paradise." You answered sarcastically, and looked out through the window. Then you started to whisper to yourself. "What am I supposed to do?"

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