"Near a ranch about an hour from here."

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A/N welcome back for another story from LyricFreak01! if you are a fan of Transformers : gemblaze you will (or hopfully) like this one to :3  so rate/like comment? tells me what you thinks ppls!


Two days before the 'incident'

As the sun crept up over the horizon Mallory -- yawned just as Amy flemmingway knocked on her door "Mallory let's go your late!" She yelled

As Mallory sat up she picked up her phone she looked at the time. " seven-thirty?!" She nearly screamed "i told you to wake me up at six!" She yelled

"I did you said you wore getting up!"

" and you belived me?!" She called as she quickly changed from her pajama to a pair of boot cut jeans, a flannel plad shirt with brown And pink cow girl boots.

"You said you wore!" Amy said

"Again you beilved me?" Mallory said. She picked up her school bag and phone and headed down the hall way stopping at the table long wnough,to pick up a few pancakes and the carton of milk that sat on the table she quickly headed out of the house as she headed out she here's Jack (amy's grandfather) yell "your paying for a new cartin of milk" behind her she laughed heading out to the barn she ran into -' and kaylob who both jumped out of her way

"Easy watch it!" Calob said

"Sarry" Mallory called she quickly dropped her bag as she stuffed a pancake into her mouth. She then headed over to the horse feed. Measured some out and vastly tossed it into the bucket as she turned she once again nearly ran into kaylob once again.

"Its only seven fifty what's your rush all of the sudden?" Kaylobe asked

"Seven fifty?" Mallory asked with a exagarated sigh as she stuffed another pancake into her moth she dumbed the feed into coppers stall

As if on cue amy yelled for Mallory to hurry up as she headed from the barn she saw the school buss pull into the ranch she dropped the bucket And ran out the barn to catch the buss.
Autobot/NEST Canadian base

Elite-one stood outside the base taking in the snowy landscape in front of her. Being in mid November snow was all ready falling in Canada. She had decided she needed time away from the base after nearly offlining the sideswipe And sunstreaker for their pranks they had pulled around base being the mother of the small band of auto its stationed in Canada for the time being was never easy especilg with the twins. Sometimes she wondered why she even volentiered to check in on the Canadian nest/autobot base after the com link channels went down, after all she left behind her sparkmate And their adopted sparkling bumblebee back in america, for some reason she felt conpeled to this location as if their was something she had to-do soon but what she didn't know. As she was pulled away from her thoughts by telling she inwordly sighed all ready knowing what it was about. "Ok both of you stop it the pranking war has got to stop now' she said a little aggrovated.

Sunstreaker staired at her sheepishly for once it was him who pranked sideswipe first instead of the other way around"sarry" he mumbled

Sideswipe laughed "man your in trouble!" He said pointing a digit at him like he was a ten year old who just tattled on his brother

"Both of you are in trouble now do you want me to make you kiss And make up or are you two going to appologies now to each other now?" She asked tapping a ped impatiently.

Both mechs mumbled their appology And backed away. Elita sattisfied with the out come smiled "now don't do any else stupid and-" she was cut off as the base energon alarms sounded. "Where at?" She automatically asked

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