Morning confusion

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Felix woke up to his phone ringing, and was very confused as to why Jack was sleeping on his lap. He didn't remember much from the night before at first, but he obviously had fun. His cellphone then lead to him hurrying to decline the call from PJ, not wanting to wake Sean up.

He was cute when he was asleep.

Pj called again though, but this time Felix picked up, as he knew the other man wouldn't stop until he did.
"Hey, what's up?" he whispered.
"Just making sure you didn't forget our plans for today, and that you're up," He heard PJ on the other line

Truth was, Felix had entirely forgot he was supposed to meet with him for lunch. When Jack came over yesterday, his mind had only been on him.

"No, of course not," Felix lied. "But I might have to bring someone with me."

"Sure. Wait, why are you whispering?" PJ said, slowly realizing something was up.
"Are you in bed with someone right now?"

"What? No, we only fell asleep on the couch!"
Felix exclaimed, very defensive of this being a romantic relationship for some reason.

"Why didn't you go to the kitchen or something, then?" PJ asks, putting Felix in silence.

"He's on my lap," He admits, blushing.

"He?" PJ says, sounding (to Felix at least) surprised. " Coming out so soon? After holding it in for so long, I thought you'd hold it for a couple more years. Looks like I have to pay up Brad, damn."

"Sleeping on my lap doesn't mean we're in a relationship. You know?" Felix says shocked, still blushing, not bothering to deny his queerness.

"I'm pretty sure everyone on the entire planet knows, except for Jack maybe who doesn't seem to notice you drooling over him, somehow."

Felix held his breath at the mention of Jack's name. Looking down at him, still sleeping, a warmth spread from his heart all the way to his fingertips. He was still staring at him when PJ interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Why are you being so quiet?"

"No reason," The blue haired
Man quickly responded. "Listen, I've got to go. See you later."

"See ya."

When Felix had hung up and put the phone back in his pocket, he continued watching Jack sleeping. How his chest moved, his breath and mumbling every now and then. Felix studied his face for new secrets, like a mole on his eyelid, but as expected, he already knew Sean's face perfectly. He laughed silently for himself for being as creepy as he was. But reality was, he didn't mind one bit.

After a while, Jack woke up. As he did, a yawn escaped his mouth, followed by a grunt, causing Felix to smirk at him.

"Morning, sunshine. I thought you said sleep is for the weak," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"It doesn't count after drinking," Jack says, grumpy. He stretched and twisted around to lie on his stomach, before freezing when he accidentally brushed against Felix's private parts, sending shocks through his spine. Desperately trying to control himself, he quickly grasped the armlean next to him and tried thinking about dry biscuits. He only managed doing so because he knew that if he failed to resist the urges of his body , his secret would be out. And he knew that if his secret came out, it would be the end of their friendship. Jack's face was facing his private parts, as well as touching them. Keeping Felix painfully tense, Jack lied there frozen for a bit before getting up.

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