Anti-Gravity Prologue

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∆Bill Cipher POV∆
     Sitting on the bus was so boring. I couldn't believe we were being shipped off to a stupid little town like Antigravity, Oregon.( A/N One could almost say, Falling In Reverse...) The seats were faded and uncomfortable, the scenery was boring, just trees whizzing by.

    Our parents had said, "Go, it'll be a good learning experience, you'll get fresh air."

    I'm sure it was just to get us out of the house. Sitting next to me was my twin brother, Will Cipher. And of course, he was crying. Probably missing mom and dad. He was such a wimp. I can't believe I have to be stuck with him for another few hours.

Well, the least I can do is make him feel better. I lean over and wrap an arm around him.

"Hey," I said smiling, "It'll be fun, just wait! Maybe we'll make some friends!"

"You think so?" Wiping his eyes, he sat a little closer and leaned on me. He always did this, I guess I was a comfy pillow.

"I know so." Though I really didn't. We didn't have any friends back home and I hated everyone. Will got bullied a lot and I had to protect him. He was my brother, and we stuck together, no matter what...

~Time skip of a few hours~

∆Bill POV∆
    I woke up to the bus stopping. The squeak of the breaks making me jump. Will fell off me and bumped his head, instantly in tears.

"Last stop, Antigravity, Oregon. EVERYBODY OFF!!" yelled the old bus driver.

Obviously it was aimed at us. We were the only ones still on.

"I think that's uncle Tad." Said Will, pointing at a man in a purple suit with a black bowler hat that was waving at us.

"No shit, Sherlock." I said while grabbing our bags. Why did I pack so much? My bag was going to rip my arm off.

Will was already rushing to the front. Enthusiasm finally getting him to stop crying.

I hated being here. We weren't going to make friends, I was just going to make new enemies. Just like down in California. I knew that. So why was I hoping?

When we got to "The Murder Hut", he showed us around, showing us all the fake magical crap he had in the place. He told us what he did for a living, he did magic shows and displayed fake creatures from other dimensions. I mean, who would buy a little Illuminati triangle plushie?

I had to get out of there.

"I'm going out!!" I yelled as I ran out into town.

The woods were pretty spooky, not that I was scared. I loved it. Out in the pine trees.(A/N hehehe) I just needed some space away from Will and everything.

Before I even realized what was happening the ground came rushing up to my face. "OWWW, WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I yelled, pissed off.

I got up and brushed off. I looked over to see what I tripped on. It looked like the corner of a box... I leaned over to pull it up.

As it came up I noticed chains wrapping around it, the box itself was covered in runes, like something you'd find in a horror movie. The chains and lock were so rusted all it took was a strong tug and the lock fell apart.

When I opened up the box I saw a book, it was covered in dust, probably had been sitting there for decades. As I blew away the dust I saw a weird circle on the cover, with a Illuminati type triangle in the middle with different symbols surrounding it.(It's the Cipher wheel ;) )

I shoved it into the front pocket of my yellow hoodie and kept on my way to town, with a slight limp. I spotted a few teens near the arcade and made a mental note to stay away from there.

I was walking through an alleyway when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, haven't seen you around here before."

"Astute observation, I'm not from here." I said, turning around and smirking.

There were four of them. Shit-faced teens with too much time on their hands.

He laughed, his friends joining him.

"Oh, that's rich, you think you're funny." The obvious head of the group said, "Eight ball, we should show him what happens to funny guys." He smiled, and I knew. I. Was. In. Deep. Shit.

Eight ball came at me, a punch landing right in my gut. The wind knocked out of me.I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach and gasping for air. I tried to get up, but was knocked back down.

Now I was mad. Still in pain I leapt up and landed a solid punch to Eight Ball's face, knocking him off his feet. Small victory. Soon the other three came rushing towards me too. Knocking me back to the ground, kicking me, punching me. The world was made of sharp stabbing pain of landed blows and the aching of bruises forming.

One of the blows was to my left eye. I cried out and tried blinking the pain away. My hand flying up to my face, I felt warm liquid, blood.

"Oh shit" one of them said, "We better get out of here."

They ran. I saw the last one turn the corner and disappear. Then, I got up and limped back to The Hut.

When I got back Will was the first one to see me. He ran up to me and took one look at me before crying.

"What the hell happened Bill?" He asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Bill, please?"

Sighing, I told him what happened as we got into The Hut and started getting patched up by uncle Tad, who also listened and asked questions. By the end of the story Will was sobbing.

"How c-c-could t-they do th-that?" Will said between sobs.

"Eight Ball did this to you?" Uncle Tad asked angrily.

"Yeah, but I'm fine! See?" I said getting up. Which I immediately regretted. I winced and sat back down.

"Yeah, sure, kid. Hey, let me look at your eye." He said stepping closer.

I had forgotten about it, which was surprising, considering it hurt like hell.

"Close your good eye."


"Just do it smartass."

I did as I was told.

"It would work better if you opened up your eye that got hit"

I did... I couldn't see anything still.

"Is it open?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Though I can understand why you'd ask."

I heard Will choking back more sobs.

"Well, I don't think you'll being seeing out of that eye soon."



I would REALLY REALLY love your guys' feedback. Please tell me if you loved or hated this. If you have any advice on how I can improve, I would honestly love to hear it!


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