A present for 10k

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"Natsu?" I heard lucy whisper.

"Natsu... are you gonna play me like Sam?"

That was kinda a shock. I guess I thought we had more trust. I wouldn't do that to her, ever.

"No baby. I wouldn't." I whisper back and reach around to grab her waist. She snuggles closer to me.

"I love you Natsu.." It was barely a whisper. But I heard it. And it meant the world to me.

"I love you too, luce the goose."

She gave a start. I don't think she meant me to hear that.

"Really? You mean it?" She sat up in bed.

I rested my head on my hand and nodded at her.

She sighed and flopped back down on the bed. "That makes me so happy."

Hearing his name, Happy sat up at our feet and sauntered into the next room.

I booped lucy on the nose. "Now we have the place to ourselves" I whisper into her neck.

His voice was husky with morning. It sent shivers through me.

What did he mean by that? Did he even know what he was implying?

He nuzzled the curve of my neck. His hand snaked up my waist untill it was level with my breast.

My breath caught in my throat.

She leaned into me, and I took it as approval. I flipped on top of her and caught the hem of her (my) shirt in my mouth and looked at her. She was watching me with wide eyes.

"Is this okay with you?"

Ever so slightly, she nodded.

I ran a hand down her waist and rested it on her hip. She arched her bach into me.

He ducked his head and began to suck on my neck, leaving trails of love marks all over me.

He drew back, suddenly. I looked at him. He was panting, breaths coming in ragged huffs.

I slid my hands under his shirt and ran them over his back, pushing my breasts flush against his chest. His breath caught.

Slowly, he unclasped my bra with one hand. (How did he even do that?)

Her bra slid down and she reached to pull it from her shirt.

I was going nuts. Every sense I had was on overdrive. He ran his hands all over my body.

And where his hands went, his mouth followed.

I arched my back as far as it went. He flitted his fingers down my stomach, and they found the top of my panties.

Moments later, they were discarded, completely forgotten as the two lovers danced the dance of love, one in starlight, and one in flame. Happy was long gone, and neither could have been happier at that moment.

They had found each other, and were content, because that is the only thing we, as humans, really need. Because the love of another is a sacred thing, and therefore should be treated as so.

Hot damn, you guys, I got really philosphical at the end. Anyway, last update for a while. That should tide you over, though. This was just a present for 10K. Will get back to the story with the next update.

(Not for a while, though.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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