You Lied

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It's been forever since the last time we talked. Does this mean it's really over? What did I do so wrong to make you hate me so much? I still love you. I still care about you. But you don't care. I spend my nights crying . I spend my day being depressed. Tell me why. Explain to me why you hate me so much. I hoped you would come back to me because when it comes down to it I'm the one who loves you. I'm the one who would never cheat on you. But it is whatever. My hope of us being a thing is all gone. I have faith in you. I have faith that you will come back to me and forever be in my arms. I'm just kidding though. After you left me forever I lost faith in anything and everything. I'm done with trying. I'm done with crying. I'm done with life. If I were to die this very second you wouldn't care. You wouldn't care if I stopped breathing. You wouldn't care if I stopped walking. You wouldn't care. You wouldn't cry. You would sit there and not care. Just like every other guy. I thought you were different. I thought you were going to be my happy ever after. I thought you were going to be by my side through every rough time but of course you lied. You lied to me. Every little thing you lied about. You said you would never leave. Those nights you said you were working late, you were actually at another girls house. You said you loved me. The point now is that you lied. I hope no one else falls for your ridiculous lies like I did. Because in the end they'll be just as hurt as I am. I thought you were my Prince Charming. I thought you were my Romeo. I thought you were the smile to my happy meal. But I guess I was completely wrong. All along you were just the pain. I'm not holding back anymore. I'm breaking free from you. I hope you have fun making fun of me with your hoes now. I hope you have a wonderful life without me. I hope you continue to breathe, When I'm no longer breathing.

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