Chapter One

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"HURRY UP Y/N" my roommate, Candy, yelled from downstairs.

I quickly zipped up my backpack and ran downstairs to join . She was impatiently waiting by the door.

"Wow. Your wearing that to Vidcon. I swear if you embarrass us...." She continued to ramble on. I just quickly walked out the door and got in the back seat of the car.

"About time you came downstairs." Casey, Candy's boyfriend, said from the front seat.

I just ignore him. Candy soon gets in the car. I didn't really get to look to see what she's wearing but from the back seat, I can see she's wearing a beautiful yellow sundress and a large amount of makeup. She's incredibly pretty... I wish I could be pretty like her, but I know that would never happen. I'm too ugly. I look down at what I'm wearing and compare my self to her. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, my favorite pair of converse, a Tokyo Ghoul T-Shirt, and a blue jacket, and my creme colored beanie. Then to top it off, my y/c hair. I like how I look, I know I could do better, but I'm content with my look right now. At least I know I'll fit in at Vidcon.
I put on my headphones and listen to music the entire way to Vidcon.
(Quick a/n, you are currently somewhere in England, I'm not really sure where, but, just go with it. I obviously wanted to base it in the UK since Pj lives there.)

When we finally get to vid con and do all of the ticket stuff, I'm super excited, I've never been to Vidcon and I can't even keep still. I look behind me to ask candy and Casey where they want to go first... But they're gone. Great, they could have left for all I know, but I don't care. I start to go around and do all of the awesome stuff Vidcon has to offer. ( i don't really know what all Vidcon does bc I've never been, so, let's just act like its the last day and all the Youtubers are at booths signing stuff)
I go and get everybody's signature and take some pictures with them except for Dan, Phil, Pj, Mark, and Jack, who are doing signings in about half an hour. I go and find a little place selling drinks and I buy a bottled water and sit down against a wall away from the main floor where there aren't as many people and take a break. I get out my phone and scroll through Instagram for a while waiting for a half hour to pass. About 8 minutes later I get up to go to the bathroom, only to get shoved down by some guy. In all seriousness... It hurt. I grab my water bottle and go to stand up but he stands in front of me and holds out his hand.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!!!" He said sounding worried. He sounds so familiar... But I don't look up. I grab his hand and pull myself up.

"I'm fine." I say. Still not looking up.

"Are you sure?" He asked, the worry still evident in his voice. This time I look up and see none other than Pj Liguori.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it Pj." I say with a small smile. He chuckled when I said his name. I give another smile and nod my head as a goodbye and start to walk away when I feel him grab my arm. I turn back around and give him a confused look.

"Hey, I know I just met you and stuff, but do you want to come and hang out with me and my friends? I was just on my way over to where they were, I'll buy you a drink or something as an apology."

I think about it for a moment then nod my head and start to walk with him to his friends.

I know I might have seemed calmed while this was happening, but I assure you... I was full blow fan girling and screaming on the inside. I was about to hang out with THE PJ LIGUORI AND HIS FRIENDS!!!

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