Chapter Four

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Pj- hey y/n
Y/n- hey peej, what's up?
Pj- not much, I just wanted to know if you wanted to have a sleep over. Dan, Phil, and Chris are coming over too.
Y/n- yeah, i'd love to. I'm almost home, can you come and pick me up.
Pj- yeah, of course, how much time do you need.
Y/n- around an hour and a half
Pj- ok, see you then
Y/n- okie, bye
Y/n- bye.

Sleepover time


(At home after the drive bc we lazy asf)

I'm getting all of the gifts wrapped for the guys so I can go ahead and give the gifts to them. I finished wrapping the gifts and started to pack up some clothes and stuff. I was halfway through my packing when someone opened my bedroom door. I turned around and saw Candy.

"Hey, Casey and I are gonna go to his parents place tomorrow and stay till Christmas so we won't be here for a while."         
"Ok" I respond. She nods and turns around and leaves. I'm honestly a little upset because I won't be able to spend Christmas with anybody, but I think I'll be okay with it. It can't be that bad... right?

As soon as I finish packing, I hear a knock on the door and rush downstairs with my bag with the freshly wrapped presents in hand. I open the door to reveal a smiling Pj.

"Hey y/n. You ready to go?" He asks, his keys dangling from his hand. "Yeah." I respond with excitement in my voice. When we stepped outside, I shut the door lightly, and we began walking out to Pjs  car.

(Time skip to Pj's house bc we lazy asf)

We got out of Pj's car and practically ran into his flat we were so excited. I followed him to his lounge and decided to set my bag down beside the sofa in there.
"You want some tea?" He offered me. "Sure" I respond.
He walked to the kitchen and I followed.
"Hey Peej?" I ask calmly.
"Yeah?" He responds.
"Are the guys staying till' Christmas?" "Yeah, none of them really wanted to go home to their family's so they're just coming here." He said.
"What are your plans?"
I look down at the floor "Oh.. um. I-I'm spending it with Candy and Casey." I looked up at him hoping he believed me. I quickly changed the subject due to the look of doubt etched across his face.
We spent a couple more minutes just talking about random things and sipping on our cups of tea before we heard a loud knock on the door. I ran to the door before Pj could and I opened to reveal a smiling Chris holding some Christmas presents. I quickly took the presents and walked away.
"Nice to see you too y/n" Chris sarcastically says. I laugh and put the presents on a table and walk over and give Chris a hug.
"It's awesome to see you Chris I haven't seen you in forever." I say
"I know it's nice to see you tooo" he says hugging me back tightly. We break apart from the hug and he goes over to see Pj. I quickly go and get the beautiful presents and put them under the huge tree. I then walk over and fall onto the comfy couch, taking up all its space. I started to watch. TV, but before I know it, I am gone, in a land of dreams.


I woke up to the sound of clinking forks and tinking spoons. Oh yes, dinner, finally! I groggily got up and went to the dinner table. 
"Oh hey, we would have woken you, but you looked really comfy." Pj said in a happy tone.
"Yeah, understandable, what's for dinner Peej?" I said, kind of quiet  because I am not quite up yet.
"Well, I made some mashed potatoes with gravy, Turkey, and apples if you would like a fruit"
"Ooh that's sounds delicious!" I say happily

Dan, Phil (who has came over while I was asleep), Chris, Peej, and I spent the next hour or two plainly eating, joking around and having so much fun. I was planning to give everyone their Christmas gifts later tonight since I wouldn't be here for Christmas.

"Hey peej?" Dan asked as we were preparing a game of Mario Cart.
"Yeah?" Pj asked tossing me a controller.
"Is Y/n staying for Christmas too?" I sorta froze when he asked this but, Pj answered him right away.
"Not that I know of, but your more than welcome to." He said looking at me when he said the last part.
"Um, if your totally ok with it I would love to." I said, butterflies forming in my stomach


So, that chapters finally done. We spent for fucking ever on it. So, we are realllly stuck on what to do next so please comment some suggestions and also, i believe an imagine book might start bc those seem easier to write. It will most likely be imagines for people like dan, phil, peej, Chris, Mark, jack, Ethan, etc. but ONLY you tubers. Comment if you would like to see that happen, if no one comments we'll still probly do it anyways. So thanks for reading.


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