Wonho X Reader

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A word I'll never forget.

Your POV
"Umma are you kidding me! Why do we have to greet the new neighbors?"

"Because its a nice thing to do! Now take the cake and give it to them."
I obey my mother's orders and walk out of the door "DONT FORGET TO INVITE THEM FOR DINNER." I nod and proceed to walk to the house, I kept on thinking why couldn't Jenny or Tatiana (Tee) done it, they are my best friends we live in a small house together. My mother moved here later when appa got sick and passed away.
*Ding dong*
I wait for the door to be answered, why is it even taking so long.. The door opens to a gorgeous boy in a white tank top and black shorts, his muscles bulging out. "Hi!" He said and flashed a smile, wait where have seen that smile before.... OMG MONSTA X WONHO! "Hi! I brought you house warming gift, I live right next to you. My mother would also like to invite all of you for dinner, would that be ok?" Yes! I played it so cool "Sure we're free, we'll be over by 6, is that ok?" You nod and hand him the cake and walk back home. "OMG! OMG! TEE, JENNY FREAKING MONSTA X ARE OUR NEIGHBORS." I yell, they start squealing.


"Hi! I'm minhyuk!"
"I'm the leader shownu."
"Yo Wassup *deep tone* I'm Joohoney!*high pitch*"
"I am I.M."
"Hi! Im hyungwon."
"Kihyun. Nice to meet you."
"Hi! I'm Wonho."

I control myself and not squeal, we all sit at the table silently eating umma's delicious food "Mrs.(L/N) the food is delicious!" Omg he read my thoughts!!! That's it Wonho is the bias! Once dinner is done we help clean up and then my mom leaves for her night aerobics "Do you boys mind staying until I get home? I just want the girls to be safe, I'll be around 3 hours is that too long?" Omg I can't belie- "MOM! We are fine we don't need baby sitters!" My mom gives me the glare and I quieten down "Sure it'd be like repaying you for the delicious cake and dinner."
"Bye kids!"
"Bye!" We all yell out in unison and laugh about, the minute we here the car drive out of the driveway we squeal and fangirl, we start bowing "We are not worthy of being in the sight of such idols." I say as I bow to wonho, "Can I- no.....Can I touch you?" He laughs and mumbles out a sure. I poke his face "Oh my god. Literally I can't even-" He laughs even more, he looks at me funnily, I realize I'm koala hugging him and get off him and chuckle. "Hi." I said to him a lot because I didn't know what to say. Tee and Hyungwon were really hitting it off, so was I.M and Jenny. Minhyuk suggests we play a game. "Let's play king and queen."
"What's that?"
"Its this game where everyone picks a stick with a number at the bottom of it (hand covers numbers), the first and second numbers are the king and queen and they have to kiss." That sounds fu- "WAIT DID YOU SAY KISS?" He chuckles "Yes I did but I was saying I decided to change it to a hug since we have a big difference between the girls and boys.
As we play the game, the guys had awkward bro hugs and the girls practicaly squeezed each other to death, only one boy girl couple went so far which was Tee and Hyungwon. She bro hugged him and patted his back, it was so funny 😂😂. After a couple more rounds Jenny and I.M were king and queen. There were many funny insults in that 1 minute long hug, like 'Your damn apple hips are a hugging hazard' I laughed way too hard at that. It was the last round.
Minhyuk and hyungwon had gotten together, the inner me was fangirling, my main ship was happening.

The sound of the doorbell was heard and they immediately let go, only 15 seconds had passed, as I open the door I yell to them "you still have 45seconds left, jeep hugging!" My mum sees them and let's out a small laugh " well boys 45 seconds have passed, you are free to let go." they immediately let go and sit far away from each other, small chuckles filling the room from everyone "unfortunately (Y/n) forgot she has work early in the morning." I widen my eyes "oh shit, can't believe I forgot." My mom fake coughs giving me a signal "sorry, I think today was fun we should do it again some time later, its getting late today." with that comment everyone left and I go up to my room flop on the bed and go to bed not bothering to do anything first.

The next day (evening, after a double shift at work)

I trudge my feet through the mud feeling exhausted at the random double shift my boss gave me, I didn't care if I.got extra pay, I cared about something called my precious nap time. As I hum some of my favorite kpop songs, I slip in the mud hitting my ankle against a big branch that had fallen. I let out a yell and mumble some swears annoyed with the pain and the fact I was almost home.

Wonho's POV

I hear a loud yell, I look out the window, and I see that (Y/n) has hurt herself, she seems to be not able to move, and covered in mud from, I'm guessing a slip. I walk outside and go to her "Oh hi Wonho." She says casually hiding the pain. Why does she need to hide anything from me?

Your POV

I hide my pain so I don't seem week in front of wonho, I don't want his pity. Before I could even say another word, he lifts me up, carrying me bridal style. Taking me in the house "Um...you're covered in mud you might want to shower." I nodded, not wanting to dirty their house "you are too, you might want to take a shower yourself."

Wonho's POV

"We only have one bathroom."

As I help her into the bathroom, I make her sit on the edge of the bath, we had planned I'd use the shower and she'll use the bath, and we'll cover the shower screen so we can't see each other. I prepared some of hyungwons pajamas since he's the thinnest, he wouldn't mind. I grab a big towel and block the screen, ready to shower.

Your POV

My cheeks turn red realizing I need help to take my clothes off. "Um...wonho....I ... Sort of...needhelptakingoffmyclothes. (Need help taking off my clothes)" his face turned a blushing red "I'll hold you steady and look away." He said. He holds my waist and looks the other way with Hus eyes shut, as I slowly take off my clothes, I finished quickly and directed him to the shower as I dipped my legs into the warm bath water.

10 minutes passed

He was getting out if the shower, I close my eyes before he could even ask and he quickly dries himself leaving, I couldn't help but peek at those thighs and abs. Yep I'm a bit if a perv. I quickly finish up and get dressed sloppily, asking wonho to guide me out. He sets me on the couch and bandages my foot. He even blow dried my hair for me, he was such boyfriend material. I called my mother telling Ber what happened, she told me to stay the night there so my ankle could heal. Won ho suffered that we watch a movie, so we sat there, relatively close together under the blanket, his body warmth being enough to keep me warm and melt my heart. I shortly started feeling drowsy but pinched myself awake but then I hear some small snores....it was wonho, the cutie had fallen asleep, I brush some hair out of his face, his eyes slowly open, his arm around me, not letting me sit back in my spot to cover my tracks, he stares deeply into my eyes, and before we knew it our like had met, not realizing we were leaning in closer each time, the kiss was passionate, almost sinful with some hidden lust. But I pulled away not wanting to let things move foward, as I move away and we stare in each others eyes again, a smile Forms across His face "Hi"
Sorry I know people were requesting this a lot, I've just been very busy and not felt Luke writing or had any ideas.
Hope you liked it.
Stan wanna one. Stank park woojin and ong seungwoo.
Author~nim OUT!!

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