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Then you find your heart no longer flutters,

You no longer look through a lover's eyes

What's to see when the world falls down around you

You simply can't believe it
But it comes as no surprise.


Love, I need you take a minute.




Now tell me,
When you lay wide awake,
Staring at the stars,
Do the waves come and hit
Your dark deep sandy soul?

Do the waves of rage,
Crash against the shoreline of your heart?

Do they leave you in tears of fury and frustration,
As they run down the rough rocky
cheeks as they join the ocean of
endless cries?

Do the waves of past passions,
Crash against the shoreline of your  heart?

Do their gone traces remind you of the sacrifices you've made,
For someone who was never worth it?

Do the waves of undeniable truth,
Of the endless lies you've told yourself,
Crash against the shoreline of your heart?

Do they sometimes seep in the reality through the cracks that have formed from the heartbreaks, and ravaged battles you've fought time and again?

The battles you've been fighting,
Hiding from the shadows that scare you,
While you bury yourself deeper under the covers of the bed,
Where they can't reach?

Honey, do you realise,
Those scars on your skin,
On your bones,
On your heart,
Don't fade.

And the wounds engraved on your soul are torn open time and again,
because you've become a coward.

A coward who is afraid to accept that now,
You've fallen out of love with him.
And you've become the remains of his devilious plans.

And you hide,
Because you know,
The darkness cannot compel you
to admit the hideous truth,
That you are doing yourself wrong,
By doing him right,
By letting victory be in his hands.

But maybe it's time,
For you to let go.
To live again,
To be able to breathe again.

Because it's alright to fall out of love sometimes.

It happens for the best.

For your best.


Well...there I got all my feelings out.
It feels amazing now.

And hey, it's okay if you didn't like this.

It was supposed to be my rant.

Anyway thank you for the support.

And a suprise shoutout to one of my biggest supporters DrixianSkates017 whose works are really amazing.
I was really touched by them and I can assure you, if you like my work,
You're gonna LOVE those.

Haven't read it? Then what are you doing, go read it now!

Also thank you for making my book #26th in Poetry!

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