Project Two: The Path (Ultrareality prt 2)

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Its night now.

It's a beautiful, isn't it.

Stare at the moon.

Recall what I said,

When we met the first time.

I will return,

But not yet.

I know you think about me often.

You should.

They locked you up behind a metal door, didn't they?

Chained you to a wall as well?

What did you do this time?

I told you not to ask about the other world!

You didn't ask them?

You asked a friend, huh?

You thought you could trust him?

Trust nobody!

Except me.

You can trust me,

Because I am you.

And I know you trust yourself verily.

You think me strange, don't you?

It's alright,

Be honest with yourself,

Be honest with me.

If so disturb you,

Tell me.

And I will go away.

If that's what you wish.

You want me to stay, don't you?


Because you're lonely and curious?'re so polite,

So well mannered.

I'll let you know something though,

I am crazy,

Not bad crazy,

But in the sense that I'm a bit of a radical when it comes to this topic.

You're so young, so small, so innocent

You were mislead.

Wait, you miss me?

Has one night really effected you that much?

Aww...don't feel weak and don't feel guilty,

That's why you need me,

When I was you,

I never was visited by my future self,

I figured this all out for myself.

So I'm here to help you.

I won't leave you.

You are mine,

I will protect you,

And guide you when the time comes.

For hold this key tight.

Don't ever lose it.

It can open any lock.

It'll free you from your bindings.

No! Not yet!

You need to have a plan first.

Come on now,

You're smart,

Speak to me.

Aren't you curious to how I escaped?

You are,

I know.

Try to figure it out for yourself.

I know,

I know it's hard.

Just relax.



You're a clever spider, Charlotte

Spin your own web.

Catch them the way the caught you.

That's it.

See it.

Feel it.

Dream it if you must,

But know when you wake tommorow,

You will live it.

For now,

I also give you this.

Why do you need a cat?

His name is Connor,

He's a korat cat.

He can communicate with you.

When I am not with you,

He will be your guide.

He will protect you,

When I cannot.

He's a shapeshifting cat.

Look at his face, and his body.

What does he look like to you?

A small grey puma, right?

He can become bigger, stronger, and fiercer than anything that would ever hurt you.

Why is his eye teary?

No one knows,

But I believe it is because he can sense the emotion in you.

He knows you're scared and lonely,

Look how he curls up on your lap,

Rubbing his scent on you,

Claiming you as his.


You can let him.

He likes you.

Hes never done that with anyone else.

He is yours now.

He will be your guide,

Never lose him,

For he won't lose you.

Until we meet again, young one.

Sweet dreams.

And farewell.

Let the moon guide your dream spirit to freedom.

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