I was tagged

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Five facts about me and tag some victims. I can do this! Even though I ignored all the dozen other times I was summoned for this!

1. I introduced myself as Sergeant Nawhals on the second day of school and had no regrets

2. I almost had a rage fit because they lied about Japanese club. Seriously there wasn't one and I was told I should sponsor one. Let's see how that went...... HOMEWORK! Sorry I meant to say I HAVE NO TIME MAYBE NEXT YEAR.

3.  The wrestling coach attempted to get me on the team four times. Yeah before someone starts asking me this shit yes I am a girl but that's not why I declined the offer. You serious?! I can beat up people for fun I wouldn't give that up cause I'm a girl!

4. I'm a really shy person unless you know me or mention something that I really like. Honestly I can be that quiet person in the corner but then tell me you like SAO abridged. WE MUST SAVE MY FAMILY!

5. I have three Wattpad accounts including this one. The other two are Sargent_Narwhals and NarwhalzofEpic SargentNarwhals is a shared account with my best friend and I'm planning special.stuff for the other account possibly.

6. Bonus fact since I've been skipping and avoiding all these here is one other fact. I want to be a pyrotechnic but since I'm in a whole other magnet my back up is a forensic pathologist yep. That's all I got.

Muhahaha. You're time to shine.

That's good enough I legitimately chose random people so yeah later.

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