Gamzee & Kurloz

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Kurloz stareded blankly at you as you were running around with your toy. While Gamzee on the other hand was eating his sopur pie and was Sort of... dazed as well. he wasn't really starting at you but out in space.
You was on the floor playing with anything you could get your crawlers on from faygo bottles to honking horns that was left on the floor.When you saw Kurlz reaching down for one of the horns from in front of you,you immediately jumped back from fright as he wore white clown make up and a skeleton outfit. Soon after when you saw kurloz, he went behind Gamzee with the horn from the floor. By that point you knew what he was about to do  and started giggling as was waiting for Gamzee's reaction.

Gamzee's pov
I stared blankly into space not really paying attention to anything either. After I watched the little grub for a  while ,you see how I zoned out into space , but it didn't last long for Kurloz came up behind me and scared the motherfuck out of me.That literally brought me out of space.
After he gotten my attention he signed for me to explain how the little grub got here. So I started to explain ....


I was in my hive sleeping ,when I heard the doorbell. I thought 'who could that motherfuckin be ' so I went to the door all ninja styled because something was afoot ....(get it ? XD)

So finally I opened the door after I secured the area to find myself carrying in a basket for no apparent reason .....just bringing it in know I thought it was a package of sopur cupcakes and faygo ........ You never know.but while I was walking inside of my hive, I heard a little sound come from the basket. Turns out it was not a basket of sopur cupcakes at all, instead it was a grub. Which surprised me so much I stumble backwards over a bottle of faygo. I was fine , but the basket sort of fell with me , since I was still carrying it. When it landed the basket was on it's side which threw the grub from out of the blanket along with the other stuff that was in the basket like food water and a small blanket. When the grub was thrown out of the basket,it immediately started crying loud enough to go through the whole house. Time skip a little l8ter....
The grub finally stopped crying and started playing with something that caught it's attention.  S/he had a couple of bruises since they bruise so easily. Around that time I started to zone out then that's probably where kurloz came in .....
Flashback over ...
After I told kurloz of what all has happened he nodded with response then signed 'so what are we going to do with the new grub'.
I haven't thought about it ......
AN : I know it was the longest pause and. I'm sorry.....

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