Usual day

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On a usual day I wake up to find my cats fighting on top of me. But today I awoke in silence. I have Bernie Mufasa Alani Sanders, and Floyd Harrison Bandet. I got up and got dressed in some cotton leggings and a black shirt. My room is dull I have an off white dresser and a blue-ish , white-ish rug. My walls are white. I have one picture hanging up. Of me and my brother on a Ferris wheel. Back when life exploded with color. After we lost half of the earth, we only have the bare necessities. I remember when you could see the moon. It gave a hope that told you it would be okay. We lost the moon with the other half of the earth. It reminded me of how I should stay strong. I am dull, just like my room. My skin tanned from working on the farm. I have dark brown wavy hair. I also have potential to be cute. Momma says I outta put on a little bit of blush. I wear no make up.  I'm sixteen. I stoped going to school when I was 14. Now I take care of the family. Daddy was affected by the earth situation. He can't move a single bone. Mom a is so shocked she worries about him. She is dtucvk in a daze. Shawn is 5. He's the reason I take care of the family. Ruperts 1 month. He is a little baby I take to work with me. Last there is Natalie. She has curly black hair and tan skin. She is 12. Shawn and Rupert green eyes, me and Natalie blue. Natalie's eyes have hope. Her eyes keep me going. They give me inspiration. Our farm is small. We sell almost everything we grow. I am the true person taking care of the family. Natalie is growing to be one too though. Today she was making breakfast while I went and got the kids dressed and ready. I drove Natalie to school and Shawn ti kindergarten. It was just me and Rupert. He all the sudden got sick. That changed everything. I made an illegal U-turn and picked up Natalie. She watched Rupert while I worked in the fields. Every now and then she came out to give me some lemonade telling me to keep hydrated. Food was hard to get but we always had something to drink. By the end of the day Rupert was fine. Just an average day.

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