Is this- Love?!

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Cole's P.O.V
I hated him more than anyhing, I hated the flattery sensation in my chest that pounded violently whenever he'd smile, and I definitally hated how heated I get as a reaction. Arn't I supposed to be a man? What the hell am I feeling?
So y'know how I fixed my problems?
I beat him up.
My fists slamming into his chest and face, I didn't to hurt him too bad but enough to send a message to tell him to piss off. But, me beating him the fuck up ended with me getting thrown in the detention center. I hated it here, I hated my family for not coming to get me, And I hated the smug glare my parole officer gave me.
"What'd ya do now?" He'd walk into my 'cell' room, crossing his arms.
"Beat the ginger kid up." I'd growl, slightly feeling remorse.
"Did you now? What was the reason? Did he bump into you in the hallways? Or perhaps he didn't give you an eraser during class-"
I quickly cut him off, "It's really his own fault! Making me feel this way!" I'd lean back on my bed, my head resting on the bleak wall behind me.
"Making you feel what way?" He'd raise his eyebrow, glaring back at me.
I felt my face heat up as I quickly darted my eyes away from him and at the marble flooring.
"What way does he make you feel Mr.Matthews." He'd repeat, his raspy voice causing me to get irritated, Why is my voice suddenly gone?! Why can't I anwser?
He'd go to repeat again, but I quickly anwsered as best I could.
"H-He makes me feel all fuzzy! Like-- Weird fuzzy! The stupid smile and the stupid way he laughs!" I'd say, almost shouting. He only laughed in response, laughing at how I felt towards the ginger.
"W-What are you laughing at?!" I'd snap at him, my face still extreamly red.
"You're in love, Kiddo." He'd grin at me, enjoying my reaction from this.
"N-No way- What?! FUCK! I totally messed this up- He probably hates me now! I can't ever show my damn face to him-- Fuck.." I'd throw my head into my hands, mumbling curse words.
"No, There is a way to fix this. But it'll be of curtosy of me, a little favor. If anyone finds out, I'll be thrown out of work." He'd walk towards me, kneeling down infrount of the bed.
"What the hell could you possibly do? I can't go near him. I fuckin' tore him up.." I'd say, hopelessly.
"I could request you do a little outing with me, as your parole officer it's good you learn to do good, I could then arrange for you and Peter to meet up at my house. That way you both will be in the safety of my home." He'd say back.
"R-Really?! You could?! F-Fuck! Thank you!" I'd release my face from my hands, looking up at my parole officer whom knelt infrount of me, a friendly smile on his face.
"Yeah, Get ready though. You'll be gettin' out tommorow. Make yourself pretty." He'd laugh, standing and motioning to the 'cell' door.
"W-Whatever.. But- Thank you again. I guess." I'd give a half hearted smile at him before he walked out.
So I'm actually in love, huh? Wow.. I've never felt like this...
I then laid down on my bed, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Cole Matthews x Peter Driscal (Lemon/Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now