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They do a run through of the first scene of the play and to describe it I'm going to use the play character names.



Dear diary,

I hope today is as Awsome as yesterday, just with less guys staring at me. I know I probably sound like a weird little girl, I mean who doesn't like the attention but it makes me feel violated.

Today in drama were going to work on the play some more, I hope we don't have to go over those kissing scenes too soon.

I'm so excited to start dance instead of pe!!!!!

I have to go now, but when I get home I'll try to write again!




I grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, I put on my clothes, I was wearing leggings and a crop top that showed a bit of my stomach over where I had pulled the leggings up to. I loved this outfit, because it showed off my dancer abs, they weren't super defined but they're there.

I grabbed my bag and went down stairs grabbing an apple, "see you later mom!" I yelled.

"Bye sweets." she yelled back from her computer.

I walked out the door and down the street, turning to face my school, told you it was short.

I walked over to the school and went through the big gates straight to my locker. As I opened my locker, a small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and turned it over.

Wanna practice our kissing scene?


Eeewwww! I grabbed my books and turned around, I hit something hard and all my books fell.

"Sorry." I masculine but kind voice said.

"It's ok." he leaned down to help me and I realized it was just Nick.

"So, I was wondering... are you... free tonight?"

"Um actually no, I have dance. Sorry."


"I'll get back to you on that."

I closed my locker and walked away.

I walked into Math class and sat in the same seat I had before. The classroom started to fill with students including Nate who came and sat next to me.

"So you wanna be study partners in study time today? Cause we have a test on Thursday." his boyish smile was back again.

"Um, yah."

"Great." he ran a hand through his hair keeping eye contact, then he turned to face the window.

Class was boring and we got assigned like eight pages of homework. I walked down the hall to my locker where I got my bio text book and notebook. I continued walking and then turned to the bio room, I walked to where Jere was sitting and sat next to him again.

This time, Nick sat next to me and Derek behind me. I could feel Derek's eyes on me. "Derek, how bout you look at the teacher instead of my ass."

"I uh..." Everyone around us burst out laughing.

"Class!" the teacher yelled. "ok, now that I have your attention let's get started, you are all to start a report today in class in your pairs about the frog project, you will finish it outside of class. Get started."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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