Don't Go

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" has been a while since everyone moved to the surface isn't it?" whispered Asriel to himself while sitting on the flower bed at the ruins. The place where every human lands when they fall into the underground.

"Everyone looks so happy. Thanks to you Frisk, now monsters can live happily with the other humans on the surface. Was the underground this quiet before? After we broke the barrier, everyone was hyped to move to the surface. After a while, everyone in the underground had moved. Well everyone...except for me."

"When u tried to save me....invite me to join you...I just can't accept it. I cant manage to show myself to my parents like this....soulless...not being able live happily. After what I did when I was a flower....I just can't....Well at least I know that they are living happily now at the surface"

"To think back...I'm such an idiot for not accepting your offer back then. Soon, I'm going to turn back into a flower while"

Suddenly, Asriel felt something different. "Wait...what is this feeling....This feeling..i can feel a human soul that you frisk? No..this isn't what Frisk's soul feels like. Wait...can it be? must be you....please be there"

Asriel stood up and began to roam around the underground...searching for the soul. Without noticing...tears began to fall from his cheeks. "'re the only one who understands me. I don't want to be alone." Asriel kept searching and searching...from Snowdin to Hotlands. The longer he searches for the soul, the presence of the soul began to disappear.

"" he yelled as he started crying.

He finally arrived at the Dreemurr Castle..his home ... When he arrived there, he can no longer sense the presence of the soul..."Heh..maybe I was just imagining things again. Maybe its because I miss them that much. Well..i might as well check my room first while I'm here." Feeling disappointed, Asriel walked into his house and entered his room.

"Welp...messy as always" Asriel then sat on his bed while enjoying the scenery of the castle garden through the windows. When Asriel sat down, he felt something underneath the blanket covering his bed. He lifted the blanket to find the present he gave them before, the heart locket. "..." . Asriel began smiling. Might as well bring this back with me to the ruins. Maybe one day....I might find them." Asriel kept the locket in his pocket and started his journey back to the ruins.

Asriel walked and walked towards the flower bed in the ruins. Suddenly....

"Hey azzie.."

Without him noticing, Asriel began to cry.

"Its me....your best friend..Cha-"

Asriel instantly rushed towards them and gave them a hug. " it really you?"

Chara nodded.

"I miss you Chara....all these years I've been alone. Where have you been...I thought you were dead."

Seeing their brother like this, Chara patted their sibling's back and said,"Azzie...just stop crying ok? I am here now. If you keep this up, I might as well call you a cry baby." Chara then gave Asriel a patient smile as they wait for their sibling to calm down.

"Heh...h-h-how are you even alive?" asked Asriel. " I mean, I saw you die at the castle. Mom and dad witnessed it too."

Calmly, Chara began explaining everything that happened to Asriel. "Well, Sans managed to fix that time machine of his and brought Dr. Gaster back to life. Seeing the mad scientist alive again, Frisk asked the dude to separate me from their soul and bring me back to life again."

"Wait....Dr. Gaster is alive?!?!"

"Well yea, let me continue the story first ok?" stated Chara after they were interrupted by his sibling. " After some tests, he finally extracted me from Frisk and created an artificial using some determination he obtained from Frisk's soul."

"So, if he can give you your soul back, can he do the same for me?" asked the fellow Dreemurr.

Chara nodded. "Yeeap. That's why I came down here searching for you. So that you can live happily with us at the surface. So that you are not alone anymore."

"Heheh." Without noticing, tears started to fall down Asriel's cheeks." Chara...thanks for everything. For being my best friend. Just please, don't go. Don't go away from me. Please, don't leave me ever again."

"Azzie....I will always be right beside you now. Besides, lets go back to the surface. I'm sure the others are waiting for our return."

"Yea...alright. Oh I almost forgot, here , its your locket."

"Heh, thanks lets go."


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