John sees Cynthia on television

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John Lennon was at home on his own, Yoko was at the gallery and John was reading his book. After a while he  got bored of that so he decided to watch T.V . He turned it on and flicked through the channels when he saw an interveiw with a familiar blonde woman.

"Cynthia" John whispered too him self and continued watching to what ever she had to say .


"what was it like being married to a Beatle, John Lennon?" 

"it was amazing and i loved it, i loved him" 

"do you still love him Cynthia?" Cynthia has tears in her eyes 

"yes... i do ... of course i do, he is my first love and i never sopped loving him" she replies in a shaky voice 

"what about Julian you and Johns son?"

"Julian misses him like mad, everyday he waits for him to return"

"Are you angry that he... cheated on you?"

"No... I was hurt of course, but Johns happy and that's all that matters."

"Okay, thank you for the interview, Cynthia Lennon."

"What have I done?" he asks him self feeling bad about hurting Cynthia. He decides to go back ... to go  back home and and try and get them to forgive him for his mistake. he writes Yoko a letter saying that he will be going to see Paul for a week or more, and then went to pack his things and left to go to the airport. 

"I'm going home"

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