c h a p t e r 8

8 2 0

I hurriedly went back to the pond and grab my basket.

I half run/half walk towards the back of the apple tree and went looking for the cat. I saw the stone yet, the cat was nowhere to be found.

I looked everywhere, and theres the lil fella, pushing itself to walk despite of its broken leg.

I didnt disturb the cat as it walks into the grass which was lead by a piled of  stones.

The cat was brave. I thought to my self. Seeing it with a wound while walking really did push my feet towards it.


Whats this?
Shining shimmiring *idont know what is this* surrounds me. Everything went dreamy.
My eyes went to the cat
As it transforms its shape..

What was that?

And everything went black

Why did the cat broke its leg? Why and how did it transform? Shining*idk?

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