Not Sane 2.0*

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The sound of someone singing really badly wakes me up. 'What crazy person sings like this?' is my initial reaction before I realize that... I'm NOT in my room! Oh, no! As far as I remember, I was sleeping soundly in my room, dreaming about Shawn Mendes. Fast forward 9 hours and whoa... I'm here!

As I recover from my mini heart attack, I try to take in my surroundings. There are rows of single beds with green bed-sheets, a couple of people tap dancing, and someone singing really badly. I instantly figure out that I'm in A MENTAL HOSPITAL (or maybe my parents are trying to prank me)! I've no idea what to do now.

"Good morning," I'm stopped from my panicking by a woman, looking like a nurse, in front of me. "Mary Sane, Your treatment will begin shortly."

"What?!" I say, completely shocked by her words.

"Your treatment will begin shortly." She repeats.

"Yes, I heard what you said, and no, I'm NOT Mary Sane! I don't even know any person with that name. You are mistaken." I tell her with a serious expression. But she doesn't seem to believe me as she shakes her head disapprovingly. "Mary..." she starts to say, but I cut her voice. "That's not me! Believe me; I don't know how I ended up here. I'm not insane."

"Every patient here says this." She says, before walking over to the other side of the room; leaving me alone to wallow in self-pity. The next hour consisted of: me trying to reason with the nurse, the nurse not listening and the patients doing abnormal activities.

Eventually, after 1 hour, 16 minutes and 27 seconds, a really short man, in a doctor's attire, appears in front of me with a confused expression. But he isn't alone, behind him, is a lady trying to suppress her laughter but failing miserably. "Sister!" he calls out and within seconds the nurse arrives. "Who is this?" He asks the nurse, pointing towards me. "I'm not Mary!" is my reaction, before the nurse says, "Patient number 3, Mary Sane." adding to the doctors confusion. A few minutes pass by and everyone is quiet (except the lady, who is constantly laughing).

Finally, the doctor breaks the silence with a sigh. "Oh well... we made a big mistake." I knew that! Seeing the nurse's perplexed face, the doctor continued. "This lady here," he points towards the hysterically laughing woman "is the one we were looking for. Mary Sane. But this girl," He is now pointing towards me with a guilty expression. "Is here by mistake. Um... you can go home now. We're sorry."

After a good five minutes of my intense glaring directed towards the nurse, the doctor, and the insane Mary Sane, I decide to leave.

"Goodbye Mary!" I hear someone say to me and I reply "I'm NOT Mary."

"Goodbye NOT Mary!"

I flee.

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