The House

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"Bridget don't move, do what the big man says," mommy cries to me. Not understanding I walk towards her wanting to get to my mommy. "I SAID FREEZE!" The big scary man yelled pointing a shiny thing to mommy and I.

"Please she doesn't know better. She has ADHD," mommy cried out. Why is mommy doing her ABC's. She didn't even do them the right way. "Mommy where's daddy?" I ask her playing with her fingers. Mommy gives me sad eyes and kisses my head.

"I lov–," mommy whispers. Than its quiet. I try to wake mommy up but she just rolls to the other side. I look at the man holding the shiny thing. His hands are trembling but he's still standing. "Please you have to help my mommy," I beg shaking mommy.

"MOMMY NO!" I shoot up from my bed clenching my blankets. I try to get out of bed but the sheets are tangled around me. I fall off my bed falling to the wooden floor. "BANG!" The floor goes. Splitting pain goes up my leg as I free myself from the sheets.

"WTF is going on here!" The door opens Miss. Lucy yells coming into my room. I lean up against my bed holding my leg in pain. She comes over to me and crouches down in front of me. "I had a bad drewm," I mumble to her. Miss Lucy gives me a evil grin.

"WELL THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING YOUR PARENTS!" Miss. Lucy yells at me slapping me across the face. She bangs the door shut making a glass fall of my nightstand. It falls off and onto my hand. Tears pour down my face as I lay there.

"Guys your sure about this right. Like once we say this we can go back," I ask the girls for the fifth time. The all nod their heads telling me this is what they want. Alright than let's start a new chapter in our life. I hope on my computer and search orphanages.

After an hour of scrolling I find one not too far from our house. "Hey guys I found one," I yell over my shoulder. Feet run into the kitchen stopping behind me. "Alright we will go tomorrow. Boy or girl?" Dinah says. Oh we didn't think about that.

"We will know when we get there. But kids between 3-6," Normani says. We all agree on the younger kids. I check my phone to see its 1:00 am. "We should head to bed. We have a long day," I say closing the laptop. We agree and walk into our rooms.

"Goodnight lo," Camzi whispers to me. I give her a big hug and kiss her on the head before walking into my own room. "Camren," Dinah coughs out. I stick my tongue out at her and shut my door. I can't believe we're going through this. What if they don't like me?

I don't know the first thing about caring for a kid. I mean sure I would babysit my cousins and all but this is different. What if they prefer Camila over me? Great now I'm not going to be able to sleep. Well I'll see in the morning.

"Just go to bed Lauren," I mumble to myself. My eyes becomes sleepy and I finally drift to sleep. Holding my stuffed Nala I dream about what kind of kid we're going to get. Just thinking about it makes a smile come onto my face.

"BRIDGET GET YOUR WORTHLESS ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Miss Lucy yells on top of her lungs. I scramble out of my bed and run down the stairs stopping in front of her. She towers over me making me feel even smaller than I am. 

She takes her hand and slaps me hard against my face. I don't say anything just take it. "There is going to be a group of girls coming today. By law I can't hide you. But if you make one wrong move your life is mine,"
She grits poking me in the chest hard.

I nod my head and run back upstairs to my room. People are coming to adopted someone today. Not worth getting dress when your not invited right. Also I need help getting clothes on. I wonder what these girls look

I bet there very pretty. Their laughs could make anyone smile. Their hugs could cure diseases. Imagine me with them. Woah Bridget your getting too deep. "YO FATTY TIME TO GO DOWNSTAIRS!" Amanda yells in my ear.

I nod my head and walk out of my room and back downstairs. Everyone stops talking and stares at me. I walk over to my chair keeping my head low. "Look she doesn't even know how to put some decent clothes on," a boy laughs out.

I ignore them and sit down trying not to let the tears fall. That would only make me look worst. "Ok children they're going to be here very soon you know your places," Miss. Lucy cheerfully says.

"Omg I can't believe this is real. Like someone punch me please!" Camila screamed for the fifth time. I would tell her to shut up but I think we're all thinking the same thing. I look over to Lauren who hasn't said a word this whole time.

"Hey Lauren you ok? Your quiet today," I smile at her poking her legs. She looks up from the ground and looks at us. "Yeah just thinking," she says. Lauren overthinks everything. So when she says that you have to watch her carefully.

"What about lo?" Camila ask. Lauren smiles at Camila and opens her arms. Camila gladly jumps on her giving her a massive hug. I ship them so much even if they deny it. "What if they don't like me? What if I mess up?" Lauren ask. Is she serious?

"Lauren seriously they're going to love you. I see you with the kids all the time," I reassure her. She gives me a side hug taking a deep breath. "We have arrived," big rob says. We all look at each other nodding our heads at one another.

We all get out of the van and walk up to the building. It seems nice. Pink bricks with flowers painted on the walls. The door opens and a middle age woman appears at the door. "Ah so good to see you girls please come in," she motions us inside.

I'm overwhelmed in what I'm looking at. Kids are everywhere laughing and playing. My heart swells up from everything. "Ok split up and come back in an hour," ally figures out. We all nod his head and split up. I walk over to a group of girls.

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