Glass Hearts

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I hear Miss. Lucy talking to the girls. Seconds later she comes in and gives me a look from across the room. I hang my head low and get off my chair. I walk over to a group of girls and act like I'm playing with them. But really I'm not. Im just sitting behind them.

A few girls come into the play room and go over to the groups of five year old girls. I look up from the floor and catch a glimpse at one of the girls. I quickly look down again praying she didn't see me starring at me. I hear footsteps come over to the group.

Than they stop. It's probably one of the girls talking to the girls. I look up from the floor ready to go upstairs. But I'm met with one of the girls. Her eyes are a beautiful green. "I was wondering when you would look up," she giggled bopping my nose.

Fearfully I look over at Miss. Lucy. She's too busy chasing Zachary around trying to get her lipstick. I turn my attention back to the green eye girl. She's starring at me with a glint in her eye. Well I think she is. I turn around to see if anyone is standing behind me.

When I see no one behind me I realize she's starring at me. Wait why? "What's your name cutie?" She ask me. My name? She wants to know my name? "Bridget," I mumble out. A smile comes to her face when I say my name. All I said my name.

"Well Bridget my names Lauren," Lauren introduces herself. I like that name. It suits her very well. I look up at her to see her starring at me again. Why does she keep starring at me. "Hey Bridget I want you to meet some people," Lauren smiles getting up.

She looks up to me fearfully and puzzled. "I promise they're very sweet," I assure her. I hold out my hand for her. At first she stares at it than ever so slowly she takes my hand. I can feel her hand shaking in mine. What a cutie. She looks terrified of me though.

We walk over to the girl who are playing with a group of teenagers. Bridget stops short and a whimper comes out of her mouth. I stop walking and kneel down so I'm her height. "Hey it's ok I'm not going to let anyone hurt you," I say taking both hand into mine.

She shakes her head and starts to back up. But she hits a wall not being able to move back anymore. Why is she so scared of the girls. Not giving up I slowly walk over to her so I'm blocking her from the girls. Tears are streaming down her face.

"Hey don't cry baby girl it's ok I'm not mad," I softly say bringing my finger up to her cheek. I gently wipe away the tears from her face. She slowly walks toward me until she's right by my face. I take her hand and stand up. I look down and she nods her head.

We slowly make our way to the girls. Bridget hides behind my leg burying her face into my leg. Aww she's so cute. I look over at Camila to see her mentally rolling her eyes. Taking the moment I get her attention. "Hey Camz come here for a second," I motion her.

She leaps from the couch in a matter of seconds. "Thank you so much I owe you one," she huffs out. I might use that offer sooner than she thinks. I kneel down and move Bridget so she's standing in front of me. Camila gasps kneeling down next to me.

Omg this girl is so cute. "Hey there sweetie," I coo to her. She turns to look at me her fingers in her mouth. Aww how adorable is this. Lauren smiles at Bridget taking her hands out of her mouth. The girl hides herself in Lauren's side.

"Bridget this is Camila my best friend," Lauren says poking Bridget's side. Bridget peaks her head out of Lauren's side a small smile on her face. "Hello sweetie," I gush over her. She slowly walks over to me looking over my shoulder every now and than.

I open my arms to her. She slowly walks into the and snuggles into me. I carefully wrap my arms around making sure I'm not squeezing her. She snuggles deeper into me placing her head on my shoulder. I look at lauren to see her smiling at me.

"You give teddy bear hugs," Bridget giggles looking at me. Omg I think my heart just blew up. She called my hugs teddy bear hugs. I pick her up and walk over to the rest of the girls. She hides her face in my shoulder her hands have a death grip on me.

"Hey guys I want you to meet someone," I say getting the girls attention. Dinah and Normani get up from couch and and Ally walks across the room towards us. "Everyone this is Bridget," I say moving her in my arms so she can see everyone.

"Your all so prewtty," Bridget giggles putting her head back in my shoulder. I hear Normani and Dinah talking to each other while Lauren and Ally talk to each other. Not sure what to do I look at the ceiling. There's cracks in the ceiling and paint coming off.

Everyone is talking to one another so I look at Camila. She's starring at the ceiling. I look up trying to see what she sees. "What up there?" I ask Camila. Camila looks at me bopping my nose. It tickles. I look over at the couch to see Amanda glaring at me.

Oh boy this isn't good. I was so caught up in the girls I totally forgot about my rules. I can only imagine how bad I'm going to get it. I might never see them again. "Hey Bridget what's wrong honey?" Camila asks noticing my tears. I shake my head squirming.

She puts me on the ground and I race away. I run out of the house and over to the big tree. I climb up the tree and hide on the very highest tree. How could I be so stupid? I just gave Miss. Lucy my death wish. I start hyperventilating and shaking.

Not now. I try to calm myself down but nothing works. I want Lauren but I can't go back there. Miss. Lucy will kill me. "Bridget where are you honey," someone yells. I look over the side of the tree to see Dinah calling my name. I debate wether or not to uncover myself.

Knowing my anxiety attack isn't going I call out. Dinah walks around the tree until she can see me. "Girl how you get up there?" Dinah tries to lighten the load. Once she see me she notices my state. It's not like I can hide it. I look like a shaking squirrel.

"Bridget honey I need you to carefully climb down ok," Dinah says. I nod my head and slowly back up toward the trunk. "Crack," goes something. I look down to see the branch braking. Maybe this is the end. Maybe karma finally caught up to me.

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