Chapter 16
-------------------- who's that Pokemon!?-----------------
Brandnew: finally..... F--finally..... I climbed it!.... I finally reached the top of the Volcanoooo!.... Now get your off -.-Gabby: yay we finally reached the top! That took long tho
Brandne: shut up! Atleast I climbed it with you and Amanda on top of me!!
Amanda: common your a man deal with, but thanks
Brandnew: -.- bish please
Amanda: so where is this so called Wesker
Brandnew: most importantly where are Chris and Sheva...
Gabby: look!!! Two people and a thing that looks like a human.
Brandnew: that's Chris and Sheva!! And that's Wesker.... The Pokemon Wesker
Amanda: so he's not the real Wesker?
Brandnew: nah he is but I call him Pokemon because..., well just look at him woman....
Amanda hisses
Brandnew: chill woman... Anyway we need to go help them!Gabby: how :0 I mean look they are down there rocks surrounded by lava and we are right here, is we fall down we might not fall on the rocks, and even if we did it would seriously hurt.
Brandnew: Bish please nothing is impossible for an assassin ... Challenge accepted!
Narrator: Brandnew takes out his katana and spits it in two, brandnew jumps to the inside of the volcano remaining close to the volcano's wall.
Amanda: he's crazy for sure...
Gabby: lets give him 2 two minutes of silence...
Narrator: brandnew get closer and closer to the lava, he holds on his kata as really tight and penetrates the volcano's wall. He does the same with the other katana and stands on them.
Brandew: phew that was close xD *yells at Amanda and Gabby* see woman's! Do the same!!
Amanda: is he nuts!! WTF
Gabby: o.o..... Atleast it looked fun.... Here I go then... Wish me luck
Amanda: guess its no use staying here....
Narrator: Amanda and Gabby try what Brandnew did and succeeded.
Brandnew: ok now the closes rock away is that one... And it's about one ruler away from this hight so... I'm not good at math...
Amanda: it's about 2 yards...
Brandnew: ok it should be easy so now umm....
Narrator: grabs tightly to the handles of the katanas and stands on the wall and jumps with a great boost.
Brandnew: I did it! Mission accomplish noobs! Now you two try it I'll try to catch
Gabby: OK
Narrator: the two girls do the same and land not on Brandnew but in the hard and hot rock.
Gabby: i though you said you would catch us! T.T you meany
Brandnew: bish please it's your fault... How can I catch you both at the same time! I'm not that strong so instead I walked away
Amanda: -.- anyway.... Where's this Chris, Sheva n Wesker?
Gabby: that way *points at a hurricane made by Wesker*
Brandnew: Wesker raged o.o lets go and help!
Narrator: the tree Heros go to the hurricane
Brandnew: hey Chris!
Cross worlds domination chapter 1
AdventurePicture not mine! Update: i think i will stop this project and start a new one that is similar