Chapter 1

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Delilah's P.O.V

I felt water dripping slowly onto my face, I opened my eyes to see Blake standing with a glass of water in his hand, and he was smirking. Before i realised, it was already too late, he tilt the glass down and the water splashed all over my face and hair.


I got out of bed as fast as I could and jumped, trying to tackle him down. But he moved and so my head bashed into my desk.


He just looked at me still smirking, i turned to look at him. He was very hot and sexy, he had dark brown hair which stood up as he run his hands through it, warm chocolate brown eyes, he had a square shaped face and he's body underneath that black tight t-shirt was... well i can't really describe it, and how i know this? I see him like that like nearly every day on photo shoots. Yes, he's a model!! and yeah so am i.

'Delilah! hey! Delilah..!'

I have a felling this isn't the first time he was calling me. Then the pain hit. It felt as if my head was going to explode, i put my hand to the right side of my head where the pain was the worst and i felt something wet on it. I put my hand in front of my eyes and i see its... Blood?! Blake's smirk fell of his face in an instant.

'OH MY GOD!!! Delilah I'm so sorry... I didn't... Oh my god! we should go... to..  to hospital! You might..' he was so, worried he looked cute and... Delilah snap out of it!!! Your head is bleeding and all you can think about is how hot and cute Blake is! 

'Blake, calm down it's not your fault that i hit my head on the table.'

'yeah it was! i shouldn't have had poured water over you so you wouldn't have to be angry with me. oh my god! I'm so sorry! i promised i would never let you get hurt and i just broke the promise.' he looked so sad. I turned to face him and he hugged me. Like he gave me a proper hug!!!! whoop!!! I love his hugs, they are like the best medicine in the whole world. I already felt less of the pain.


'... honey, yes, you have to put ice on her head and get the bleeding to stop, and two more thing before you go don't let her go to sleep now, she has to wait about 10 hours. and also tell her that i will reschedule her photo shoots for the next couple of days'

' OK Ms. Monroe'

'Jane, Blake it's Jane, Bye Blake, both of you take care!!'


He called my mum. at first we couldn't get hold of her on the phone as it went straight to voice mail, and then Blake went down stairs and found a note saying that she was in Arizona as one of her new studios is opened, for a week. My mum is the founder and director of  Spotlight Modeling. The Best modeling agency in the world, and also my manager, well mine and Blake's.


'But MUM! You should know how much I really want this, it's like my biggest wish and...'

'Delilah, since you really want to be a model as much then yes!' She cut in.

My jaw dropped to my feet. Oh my god!!!! I'm so happy. After 3 years of begging her every day she finally let me go into modelling, into her very own foot steps. 

'Oh my god! mum really, like seriously?!' I asked in disbelief.

She nodded at the same time as she said ' yes really'

I run up to her and hugged her as tight as i could, I was so surprised when she hugged me back. She hasn't hugged me since.... since dad.... no Delilah don't think about it. But i can't, she was so upset and broken that it hurt me to see her like that. She loved him.

'But...' i knew it, there always was a but. ' i'll be your manager' WOW! Did she just say manager or did my lovely brain make it up.

'Mum are you serio...' but she cut in

'Also Delilah. I want you to meet someone who is going to be also under my wings' at the same time she spoke, the door to her office opened and that's when i saw him. This boy, he was beautiful, had brown hair and chocolate eyes, my breath was caught in stunned surprise and then i knew it was love at first sight.

'Delilah, this is Blake Santos.'


SO yeah this is my first story and i kind of come up with the things as i go along. I'm open to suggestions on how i can improve my writing.and sorry the chapter short but that will change soon. Thanks


P.S tell me if you like the first chapter :)

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