Things That Friends Do

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Friends, they're the people who convince you to do things you later regret. Some things that they do are good such as:

1. Comfort you

2. always there for you

Other thing friends do can be unpredictable, or if you have friends like mine can be both predictable and unpredictable. Here are some of the weird idiotic things friends do:

1. Push you off a cliff

2. Get you kicked out of stores

3. Scare the pee out of you

4. Get you arrested and while your crying say DAMN THAT WAS FUN!

5. Make you give hugs to strangers

6. Make you perpose then marry a stranger at the ice rink

7. Push you into a pool when you just dried off and got dressed

8. When you fall down stairs the laugh their butts off while you sit there crying

9. Laugh when you get hurt

10. when on a spinny ride spit gum out and laugh when it hits you in the face

11. make you stay in line when a dork that likes you is right in front of you and starts talking to you

12. Prank calls you even though you have caller ID

13. Does your hair (note to self don't let them do your hair)

14.laugh when you fall on a hill and keep going and going and going and going and going

15. eat fries that were sitting on a bench by themselves

16. take a sip out of a strangers coffee when they aren't looking

17. make you choke when eating

18. Make you cry for no reason

19. slap you in the face

20, take you stuff

21. Make you run around looking for something when it is right on you head

22. Hide you stuff

23. Send you on a wild goose chase

24. Laugh when your pants fall down in public

25. Flip youi over on you sled

26. Convince you to do stupid stunts

27. tell you your good when you don't wanna hear it and tell you your bad when you don't wanna hear it

28. Embarrass you

29. kick you in the butt

30. bend your fingers ways the shouldn't

31. Test your patience

32. put wip-cream on you fand and tickle your face and record this on video.

33. Pants you

34. Scare you during a scarey movie

35. Immitate you

36. get you grASS kicked

37. Give you lots of water then make you laugh=pee

38. jump onto your back when your walking in the dark

39. give you a nuggy

40. put a fish down your pants

41. put a HOT pepper on your sandwhich when you leave to get a napkin

42. post embarrassing moments on the internet

43. stalk you on twitter making you wonder who is this person?

44. help you raise money then take half saying thanks for the cut then take the other half you also owe me this

45. copy your look

46. make you mad and stay chill

47. put the blame on you when it was them

48. put words in you mouth

49. yell hey anyone got popcorn in the theater and won't stop till they get popcorn then start on the candy

50. give you a wedgy your hair and makeup

52. Tell your crush that you like him.

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