Chapter 1

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Em's Pov

I woke up the morning of September 1st, 2016 and got out of bed. It was my first day of Hogwarts. I should probably introduce myself. I am Emma, aka: Em. I am 15 and I moved to Britain from America. I used to go to Ilvermorny, where I was in Puckwudgie, but now I go to Hogwarts. I got sorted into my house early in the summer so I wouldn't have to do it at the beginning of the year with the first years. I got sorted into Hufflepuff which is the Hogwarts equivalent of Puckwudgie. 

I got dressed into my uniform and put all of my Hogwarts things into the back of my mom's car. My five year old brother, Teddy had followed me outside. I didn't know he was there until he asked

"Why can't I go to Hogwarts too?"

"Because you aren't old enough yet" I said "You will get your letter when you are 11, just like in America"

"Just like Harry Potter?" he asked.

"Yes, you'll get your letter when you are 11, just like Harry Potter" I said. We all grew up with the story of Harry Potter and how he defeated Voldemort in the battle of Hogwarts. But this isn't his story, it's mine. Just as I finished putting my things in the car my mom came outside.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah" I said. We got in the car and drove to the Kings Cross Station. We ran through the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and were soon on platform 9 3/4.

"Bye Em" Teddy said giving me a hug.

"Bye Em, I'll see you on Christmas break" my mom said. We had been through this my first year so there was no crying. My mom gave me a hug and a nice witch came and took my stuff to the cargo car. I got on the train and quickly tried to find a car to sit in. I came to a car that had a boy that looked about my age in it and another boy who looked like his friend. The boy had brown hair in a fringe and brown eyes. His friend had brown curly hair and green eyes. They were wearing Slytherin robes.

"Can I sit with you guys?" I asked. 

"That depends what house are you in?" the boy with the green eyes asked.

"Hufflepuff" I said. 

"Then n-" the boy began but the other boy interrupted

"Of course you can sit here. I'm Dan by the way" he said "Don't listen to PJ"

"No it's fine, I'll see you later" I said and smiled. I turned around to leave but before I did I heard Dan say

"Great PJ you scared her off". I walked to another car with a boy with black hair and blue eyes in it. He was wearing Hufflepuff robes just like me.

"Hello" he said.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" I asked.

"No" he said. I sat down across from him and smiled.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"I'm Emma but everyone calls me Em" I say "What's your name?"

"I'm Phil" he says "Are you from America? Your accent sounds American"

"Yeah. I moved here this summer" I explained.

"Well that's cool, I see your in Hufflepuff now" he said.

"Yeah. I got sorted early this summer so I wouldn't have to be sorted with first years" I explained.

"That makes sense" he said and smiled again. The rest of the train ride was awesome. Phil was really nice. I couldn't stop thinking about Dan though. 

"He seemed nice and he was cute too" I thought "It's too bad that I didn't get to talk to him because of PJ"

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