Chapter 5

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That was just the beginning after that I got married 5 times. Yea.... I'm not very good at marriages as u can tell let's just say I have a lawyer on speed dial. After that nonsense I decided to stay single for a while enjoy some freedom I deserved it I'm still young after all. Well I know I'm 1700 years old but hey I still look young and I feel young and I' m still considered a teen here. But that was a downside because wen your a teen what's the place you have to go everyday to gain some "knowledge" when we all know that's just bullshit. Yup you guessed it school. I've always hated school ever since I was little and was like 5 in human year ( exact age 500). I hate every thing that has to do with learning . Mostly because none of it stuck in my head the teachers hated me cause I would always talk back. Let me get one thing straight they were asking for I because they made assumptions of me. Just because I'm the princess and the next heir to the throne and all doesn't mean I'm smart. I mean I'm human too bitch. Anyway my childhood years in elementary school were in fact SHIT in all caps. I used to cus the teachers out and do all this crazy shit to them and eventually they got tired and expelled me cause Mrs. Shittycunt didn't like it when I tried being a perv to her. I'm sorry I'll admit it I am a perv. I lost count on how many school I've been expelled from fight to even started a riot (long story). I think the number is about 6. Any who when I hit middle school it was a completely different story. You know when you start to grow your body starts to develop. Hey ladies you know what I mean B-O-O-B-S and B-O-O-T-Y. Yups u guessed it boobs and a butt. I developed I nice boobs and an ass and to combine it all I was hot. I had the guys eating at the palm of my hand. I had them doing anything I wanted. Even the teachers every time I failed a test I would meet the teacher after class put a puppy dog face. And maybe made them real happy if yanno what I mean ;). Well I had to do it to get my grades up, I mean common give a girl a break. It was really fun to be honest I was a major slut then and I still am now XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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