Part Three

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"I'm going to remove your gag, dear."

As soon as he did I began screaming insults at him. "You have no right to do this twisted shit to me! I'm going to call the police!" I spit at him, thrashing about on the bed. His face contorts into a look of anger, disbelief, and underneath everything, a bit of amusement. He grabs my face in his hands and holds it there.

"I have the right to do whatever I please here, for you see, I am above the law," he states, pushing my head to the side. "No one can do a damned thing to me, but as for you I can do whatever I please." He caresses my hair lightly as he talks, "you know I rather enjoy having you so helpless like this. It reminds me of all the mischief I used to cause when back in the day. I loved seeing the fear in my victim's eyes as I watched their life drain away." He lets out a low growl. "The primal feeling of it truly excited me. Just like the fear I sense in you now makes me want to take you."

He suddenly comes closer, almost centimeters away from my face now. Before he can even think to kiss me, I spit in his face. He wipes the saliva off and straddles my waist. "Don't make this difficult, dearest."

"Let me go you monster!" I cry out, trying to seem bold. " He only smirks, taking my chin in his hand. "What happened to daddy?" He chuckled darkly.

"God, you make me so sick." I mumble in aggravation. "I will tell if you lay a hand on me."

"And what makes you so sure you'll be able to tell?" The question caught me off guard. I was at loss for words.

I stuttered out various, "" I was at loss for words. He chuckles and lifts his hand in front of my face, almost as if he was teasing me. He lowers it down onto my chest and I let out and uncomfortable squeak.

"You shouldn't complain so much. You were an arbitrary selection, dearest." His artifice; sneaky acts were terrifying me beyond belief. His hand slides down to my breasts and I wince in disgust.

"Don't touch me!" I scream loudly. He says nothing continuing to feel around my body. "I said don't touch me!" He sighs and stops for a moment before pulling his handkerchief out of his pocket and shoving it in my mouth. "I do love your rebelliousness, however it also interferes with my concentration." His hand slips down my hips and he keeps it there for a moment and pulls my pelvis closer to his? "I've wanted to feel your body for so long, my little bird. The hips swaying...are the death of me." Before he could do anything to me, a knock came to the door. He seemed angry and annoyed at the same time as he stood up from his place above me. He straightened his suit, regardless you could prominently see his erection.

He cleared his throat loudly before opening the door angrily. "What is the meaning of this?!" He growls.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr.'ve asked me to bring these." An older looking woman said in a british accent, handing him a tray?

She glared daggers at me as he observed the tray.

"Ah, yes! Thank you. Off you go now. We have much to do." He turns to me and smirks. He brings the tray to a beside table and eyes the contents on top for a few moments. He picks a knife up from the tray and waves it. My eyes immediately go wide in fear. Is this it? Is he going to kill me? My stomach tied in knots as he came closer to me, that same ridiculous smirk on his face.

"Oh, my little dove, I wouldn't dream of killing you. But I am going to hurt you." He straddled my hips, pulling me closer to him. He angled the knife (that looked like they had just been sharpened) to the top of my left breast. He cut the delicate skin without hesitation. I whimpered into the handkerchief and held back tears. He cut rather deep before pulling away. He looked me in my tear flooded eyes as he licked the knife. "Mm, sweet...." He said as he discarded the knife to the floor and began sucking on the place he cut me.

I screamed in disgust. How could he be doing this to me? This is completely appalling. He pulled away, my blood still on his lips. His eyes were flooded with darkness as he pulled the handkerchief out. Before I could scream, tell him I hated him, he hungrily pushed his lips to me. I could taste my blood on his lips, the task gagging me worse than the handkerchief did. I tried moving away from him, but he grabbed my neck and held me in place. His lips moved aggressively against mine. He grinded into my body and held me down onto the mattress. He pulled away breifly. "Oh the things I could do to you."

I stayed silent, feeling more disgusted than ever. He started taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. His eyes became darker as he looked at my body. "I don't think I can wait any longer. The more I look at you....the more desire takes over. I want you at my command."

"Well you're never getting it!" I bit back venomously. His grin widens, and my stomach drops. He walks over to his chest from before and I gulp, feeling that sudden boost of confidence vanish. He pulls various things, but I can't make them out as he moved too fast. I lie there defenseless as he stalks back to me. In his hands are a leather whip.

"Wh-what are you going to do?" I ask eyeing it carefully.

"I'm going to make that perfect skin of yours red."

"No! Please don't! I'm sorry." I began to cry violently, pleading him not to do it. He hit my thighs, hard; silencing me. Red marks instantly rise on my skin and tears sting my eyes.

He runs a hand over the fresh skin, smirking in triumph. "So beautiful, so soft. I don't think I can handle it anymore." I was about to ask what he meant before he unbuttoned his shirt. "I have to have you now, dearest."

My heart drops in my chest. This can't be happening. I can't have him inside me. He pulls off his shirt and reveals a toned body, and continues down to unbutton his pants. His erection is clearly showing through his undergarments.

I close my eyes and turn away from him. "What's the matter my little dove?" He asks worriedly as he makes me face him. "Please don't do this...I'm a-a-"

He caresses my cheek for a moment before moving his eyes off mine. "I understand. I'll be gentle at first dear." He laughs as he tears the clothes off my body, leaving the shreds of cloth on the floor. I had somehow managed to lose my voice. I wanted to tell him so badly I didn't want it. But I was so terrified and shocked, no words could process. I can't muster the courage to speak. He eyes my body hungrily. "I-I...p-p...d-on't-"

"Shhh." He hushed me before entering me, making me cry out in pain.

I suddenly found my voice again and begged him to stop.

"Stop! Please! PLEASE!"

He thrusted into me mercilessly, grinning at my obvious pain. He was not gentle, he wasn't slow. The pain of him inside me was overwhelming. His eyes shut and his mouth opened slightly. "You feel tremendous..." His fingers hooked into my hips and he pulled me to hip as he thrusted harder. I screamed even louder from the pain. He chuckled darkly, coming closer to my ear. "Music to my ears."


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Thanks loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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