R e n a

13 1 1

Chapter 1


It was a hot summer day. I was at work just waiting for when I had to get off because me and my best friend Lena were going to see our favorite band 5 Seconds of Summer in concert.

She had surprised me 9 months ago with the Soundcheck tickets but when it came to my birthday she showed me that we had full V.I.P. Tickets. Which meant we were meeting them finally.

"Rena you have a customer." My boss Rachel said causing me to jump. I had gotten a job at Forever 21 over the summer and never quit before school started.

About 20 minutes after my shift ended I was finally home and I had started my shower. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and got in. After my shower Lena helped me straightened my hair and I put on some simple makeup.

"Hey hemmo do you have any more hair spray?" Lena asks from across the room. "Yeah here it is." I say throwing it to her.

"Hey what was that for?" She yelled rubbing the back of her head where the hair spray bottle hit. "Opsies must have missed." I say smirking. I quickly look myself over and make sure my outfit was just right.

I was wearing a Cute white spaghetti strap crop-top and some black jeans with my light blue converse.

Lena is wearing her black spaghetti strap crop-top with black jeans, a red and black flannel around her waist and her white high top converse. Her hair is also curled and pulled to the sides and her makeup was simple( Black cat eyeliner and some foundation).

"We look hot." She says after taking a selfie. "Well I do I don't know about you." I remark which causes her to slap my shoulder. "I would be surprised if even ashton liked you." She said. "Hurtful" I whined. "Oh god Ry we better leave or we are going to be late." Lena says after checking her phone.

We both quickly grab our lanyards and our small purses and quickly run downstairs and outside to the car. When it starts "She's Kinda Hot" was playing. "WE ARE THE KINGS AND THE QUEENS." I sang. "OF THE NEW BROKEN SCENE." She sang back. THe rest of the car ride was filled with tears, laughter, and fangirling.

-Time Skip To The Venue-

"I can't believe that we are here." I say. "4 years Rena, 4 years we have been best friends and now we are meeting the people that have brought us closer to each other." Lena says. She quickly pulls me into a hug and I of course hug her back.

After a few seconds the line to get into the venue started moving. Lena and I pulled out our V.I.P Lanyards and pushed through the crowd. When we got in the venue we went to the bathroom to make sure we looked okay and then we went to the Meet and Greet line.

About 1 or 2 hours passed and I was starting to get tired. Lena and I were both sitting down waiting for our names to be called. Out of habit I put my head on Lena's legs and started humming a random Green Day song. Then she started humming the harmony and it was magical.

"Lena and Rena." The security guard called. "That's us Hemmo." Lena says helping me stand up. We quickly make our way over there. Climbing over girls who decided to lay down on the floor and trying to dodge feet trying to trip us.

The security guard walks us down a series of long hallways and then finally into a room where the boys are at. Lena and I quickly look at each other and smile. The time has finally come. "Hi guys." Ashton says as we are walking up. "Hi Ashton." Lena says going to hug him first.

"Hi Luke." I say when I hug him. "Hi babe what's your name?" He asks. "Rena." I state. "That's a really pretty name for a really pretty girl. I turn around blushing and make my round hugging the other guys. Lena and Calum seemed to have the longest hug in the history of hugs.

"Okay so we got you guys something." Lena says pulling out the Scrapbook we made for them. Ashton takes the book and the boys gather around him to look at the contents. "Wow you guys made this?" Calum Asks smiling. "Yeah we worked for almost 15 hours on it,trying to find all of your final stage bows from every show and finding just general pictures of you guys together." I say.

"Thank You so much." They say and then we are greeted by another huge hug. "Okay guys time for a picture and then we are going to bring the next group in." A different security guard says.

I get on Luke's back and Lena has Calum's arms wrapped around her waist and Calum is kissing her cheek. Michael and Ashton make that two partners in crime pose and then the photographer takes our picture. Lena gave her phone to him too so he takes a picture with her phone.

"I hope we see you guys later." Ashton said. We all quickly said our goodbyes and left to get into the main part of the venue. Getting out into our standing area wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. While Lena and I were waiting we were jamming to "My Chemical Romance" and chewing some mint gum that Lena had in her purse.

After waiting for about 30 minutes the boys came out and started soundcheck. Next thing I know is I was given a microphone and told to ask a question to the boys. "If you had to give your numbers to at least 2 fans who would you give it to?" I asked curious to hear what they had to say.

Luke and Calum took charge of this question. "Well you and your friend are super cool." Luke said. "How about you guys come watch the concert backstage?" Calum asks after talking to the guys for a couple seconds. Lena and I quickly look at each other then shake our heads yes at the same time.

The security guards quickly usher us to the stage steps and we get to go to some special seats that were put on the stage once they called us up. Mine was sitting behind Luke and Lena's was sitting right behind Calum. Lena had the look in her face of pure shock and she was ready to cry. I had tears welling up in my eyes and my throat was getting tight.

Luke noticed this and pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry Rena." He said to me. Then he wiped my tears away and went to go grab his guitar. "So the first song we are going to play is a fan favorite can anyone guess it?" Michael said. The hundreds of girls started screaming and I couldn't hear a single thing.

I tapped Luke's shoulder and pointed at my ears. He luckily understood what I was trying to say and said something into the microphone. Next thing I know is I am getting the special ear things that they wear put in and I can hear them again. The tech guy then moves on to Lena and starts putting the thing into her ears. Then soundcheck went on.

The boys sang "If you don't know then "Wrapped around your finger.". After that they answered a few more questions that the fans had, then they went offstage.

Lena and I went to the dressing room backstage and fixed our makeup. I noticed that Lena was a little bit off and not her normal self. "Lena are you okay you seem off?" I asked worried. "Yeah i'm fine." She stated. I noticed her lie right away. She quickly puts her phone in her purse and tries to walk off.

"Can I borrow your mascara?" I ask trying to get her purse. "Sure." She hands me her purse to get it out myself. I take the chance to pull her phone out and look at what's bothering her. When I unlock her phone I see a bunch of hate comments flooding into her twitter notifications.

"Lena you will be fine those girls don't know what they are talking about you are beautiful." I stated. "Whats going on?" Luke says coming in. "Some fans found her twitter and started spreading some major hate saying that she was ugly and stuff like that." I said handing her purse back.

"That's not true you are super cute Lena." Luke stated. "Thanks Luke I'm going to find a bathroom." Lena said as she left the room.

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