Fighting the wither

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When Adam and me were ready and the dogs were inside we went far away from our house to fight the wither. I had the skulls and the sand. when I out the sand down I let Adam put down the skulls. there was a massive explosion and there it was the wither. we started hitting it and then it flew so we couldn't kill it and then the bombs came. then It was recharging its health then that's when we hurt it. it's Heath was really low. the the worst thing possible happened Adam got hit by the bombs and his health went down and he kept on taking hits and i kept killing it then Adam was really weak. that's when my adrenaline kicked in and with that energy I cut off the thing holding the 3 heads off and got the nether star.then I got to Adam he was as weak as he could be. I carried him home and put him in bed then gave him a budder apple. I put the 3 wither heads in an item frame. then I Said herobrine should just commit suicide because once I have him roped up, his life won't be worth living.

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