Chapter 6

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Alex's P.O.V

I wonder what all the boys think about me living with them  for awhile. I hope there ok with it. I just don't want to intrude. Jeez I mean I'm just Alex plain old and ordinary. They probably already hate me. OMYGOD what if they already do hate me. Then the doorbell rang. "AHHHHHH" I ran downstairs and opened the door to see the boys and Simon. "Oh hey" I said "Hello love" harry said to me. Two big buff guys came in and got my suitcases. My mom came running in and hugged me she was crying. Poor mom. We all pilled into the limo and drove off to the airport.

(at airport)

"so umm I have to use the restroom ill be right back." I said quietly. The boys all nodded. Why am I acting like this

Louis P.O.V

"so what do you guys think about Alex" I asked the boys the replies I got were 'she seams nice' and 'I like her' Then harry spoke up "well she seams like one of those girls" "what kind of girls" Liam questioned "The type that cant be in a serious relationship and that cuts for attention and she's just different and I'm not really liking her that mu-" harry was interrupted by a sob we all turned around to see Alex standing there with tears running down her face. Harry jumped up "Alex its I...I.. didn't mean it" "I'm sorry too because I knew I shouldn't have come you don't understand" she screamed in his face and then ran away. Zayn and Liam ran after her.

Harrys P.O.V

"I'm sorry too because I knew I shouldn't have come you don't understand." She screamed in my face and ran away crying. Zayn and Liam running after her "What did you do that for mate" Niall said "I...I don't know I j..just don't know what came over me I didn't know she was there and I. It's I'm sorry" I said back I hope they find her in time for our flight because I still want her to stay with us what I said was me not thinking before speaking. I really hope I didn't hurt her too badly.     

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