All I Want

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There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go.
Jean Paul 

The sun was slowly going down, painting the sky in an orange, lilac tone, casting long shadows of trees and buildings. Childern were called by their mothers to come home and say bye to their friends, because dinner was ready and some other souls sat down and enjoyed the sunset.
Jimin was one of those lost souls. Wandering along a pathway he didn't pay too much attention to, only realising that the sun had begun to set, when he looked up into the sky, stopping in his tracks.
He hadn't planned on letting hiself be captivated by the sun, but there he was – taking a seat on an empty bark bench, inhaling the chilly autumn air he loved so much. A small smile played on his lips when he watched other people go by, wondering what might happened to them today. He simply loved the quiet afternoon.

» Jimin? Park Jimin?«
He turned his head around, only to meet the steady gaze of a girl, smiling faintly at him.
She stood there, the sun behind her eluminating her diligent form and her smile, dear god how he had missed her smile, made him forget how to properly form a sentence, his voice struck in his throat. A wind breeze blew a few strands of her hair in her face, which she quickly fixed, offering him again a faint smile of hers.
» (Y/n) I never thought I would see you again.«, Jimin choked out and patted at the place besides him for to sit down and she gladly accepted. It had been so long since Jimin felt such happiness. Not that one which you feel, but the one which makes your tummy turn around and make flowers grow in your lungs.

When she sat next to him, he could smell the faint scene of flowers and sun on her skin, making it hard not to lean in and hug her till the scent of her would be all he could think of. Her body in his arms, her breathing near his ear and her warmth on his body.
How long hadn't he seen her? How long hadn't he see her smile and how long did he only imagine how it would be to hug her again?
So he did the only thing he could think about, slowly wrapping his arms around her body and inching closer, till he wasn't sure anymore if the moment was real. (Y/n)'s body was tense in the first seconds, making Jimin worried if he had scared her, but all his doubts vanished when her arms wrapped around him too, nudging him even closer to her.
Her hands gripped his jacket, as if she didn't plan on ever letting him go, enjoying his arms around her.
Jimin had always made her feel happy, never failed to make her day a little bit brighter. But then why did she cut all strings and never called him again? Why did she leave him, as if she was scared of him? All these questions hit Jimin like a brick in his face.

» Why did you leave so suddenly?«, he asked when they finally broke apart from the hug.
(Y/n) smile faded for a second, before she shook her head and smiled even brighter than before.
» It doesn't matter anymore, I guess I only needed some time for myself.«, she answered cheerfully and that was as answer enough for Jimin. It was enough for him to know that it wasn't because of him why she left.

But oh dear child, he was so so wrong about that.
All the words left unspoken, all the words which never keft her lips.
» I love you, Park Jimin.«
She never said these words, afraid of ruining the friendship of both of them.
» I'm happy to have meet you again!«
» I'm able to face you again.«

And Jimin was obvious to her crying pastself, only caring about here and now, having his best friend back.
» Oh (Y/n)! You should have told me! I was worried sick about you and besides, I had no one to watch movies together or stalk my little Cookie.«, he laughed, truly happy to see her again and (Y/n) couldn't, but to smile too.

» Jiminie, I'm sure it will not happen again. I missed my little ChimChim.«, she laughed.
Jimin's heart fluttered for a second by her using his oh so hated nickname made for him, but it gave him hope, that mybe she would feel the same way he does.
» I love you, (Y/n)«

» Wanna grab a coffee?«
He hated how he didn't dare to say these four little words, but he had a chance. He had her and for now, it should do the job.

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