Why Do I Cut?

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ATTENTION!! :By reading this I don't encourage anyone to start cutting. It helps you kind of understand why people cut.

Here is what your brain feels when you cut and why some people cut

When you cut yourself it calms you down and your brain processes it as a calming mechanism. When you first start to cut yourself for the first time and feel the blade in your skin it's a behavior that will always be drawn to you for the rest of your lives. It also causes you to be an addict. I still remember the first time I cut myself which was about two years ago. I used to cut myself once every other month then to once a month then to once every other week then one time every week then to every other day and now I cut myself everyday and I can't stop no matter what I try to do. If I try to skip a day I turn super depressed, can't sleep, I get anxiety, and the voices in my head don't go away they are always telling me "go get it", "it's not that far it's just over there", "don't worry your parents won't come they are sleeping", " if your parents ask you why you went to the bathroom at midnight tell them you had to go use the bathroom but only you and I know that you go there to cut", "don't worry no one will find out that's why you always wear long sleeve shirts and pants all the time even in the summer" I hate those voices they always are in my head and won't go away until I go and cut myself . I am still addicted to this day.

Cutting is calming because the body releases endorphins which are the body's narcotic. They minimize pain by giving you a sense of well being. When our bodies experience the pain our brains release these so called endorphins to calm and energize us. The pain then turns from being emotional to physical pain. Then you see blood coming out and think How great And how satisfying it is on a certain level because of the physical pain and then it goes away from emotional pain and cause you to forget a little the emotional pain.

Reasons why some people cut?

Some people cut for many reasons here are some of them. I put them in a list

1. To much "stuff "inside of you that you can't get out and say

2. People say "your fat"

3. You think you are fat

4. You are being compared

5. People say "do this, do that"

6. People say" Why can't you be normal"

7. Too much stress

8. Peer pressure

9. You broke up with the person you were dating

10. The person that you like doesn't like you back

11. The person that you trusted so much betrayed you

12. people say "it's all your fault"

13. You are being bullyed

14. some kind of abuse

15. Eating disorder

16. It makes you feel better

17. Depression

18. Sometimes for attention

19. You feel alone

20. You are alone

21. It calms you down

22. Low self-esteem

23. Some like how it feels

24. some like how it looks

25. Some people think they deserve it

26. You need to feel pain so you know that you are alive

27. You don't know who you are any more

28. People judge you

29. people don't understand you

30. Feeling of control

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more reasons than this why people cut.

Signs that people cut

They always wear long sleeve shirts and pants even in the summer time. They are very protective about their wrists. They spend a lot of time alone. Wear a lot of bracelets. Have unexplained marks on their body. Those are only some signs.

Why people can't stop

People can't stop because they are addicted. Even though you wanted to stop you can't because you can't live without cutting yourself. You like to feel the pain and how it calms you down.

My personal experience:

Hi everyone calls me Cristina and I am 15 years old I have been cutting myself for about two years now because the person that I trusted the most was my best friend and she betrayed me,that was when I first started to cut. Then after her betraying me she caused a lot of problems in my life like with my friends and family. She made my family and my friends hate me. She also started to to talk bad and "stuff" about me to people making me look like the bad one. After that I used to cut myself once every other month then to once a month then to once every other week then one time every week then to every other day and now I cut myself everyday and I can't stop no matter what I try to do and now I'm addicted to cutting myself. Now anything is a reason to make me feel the need to cut.

Sometimes I tell myself that I don't know why I still am here. At school I am seen as the fun, bubbly, sweet, always happy, always have a smile, have a lot of friends but that is all fake what isn't fake is that I have a lot of friends that I've known over years but no one knows that I cut myself not even my parents or siblings. I have tried to stop but now I can't. I can't take it anymore it's just too much for me. I have so many reasons to cut myself and anything causes me to want to cut.

At school people and teachers tell me why I always wear long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and pants I always say that I'm always cold even in the summer time and because that is one of my morals but that's not true it's because I cut myself. So thats me.

plz like and comment. If any of you guys have questions or need someone to talk to I will listen to you guys just message me!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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