Chapter 1

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The first day of the apocalypse was me seeing my brother Red standing in front of our parents dead. "Red?" I said trying not to cry but I do anyway. "Y/N." Red said but I barely heard him because I already left the room.

My friends Hotcat and Smores saw me land on my bed tearing up. "What happened out there Y/N?" Smores asked. "Red ate our parents." I said still crying. They tried to calm me down but it wasn't until noon that I stopped. I decided that my friends and I have to leave soon before the walkers start banging on the house door.

Later after we packed everything we could carry, we took turns with guarding the rest of us. Red had left around eleven a.m. while I was still crying but at least he left us supplies. Only we went out and bought with our savings stuff we will need such as very lightweight gear. We also had three weapons and I took the purple katana while Cat got a crossbow and Smores got a sky blue katana.

We took off at first light to try and avoid walkers. And we never expected to run into another group halfway to where my mom worked at for like ever: The CDC.

Nick POV

So we had to leave the white house after it was destroyed, so we took shelter in a house we found on the way to somewhere. Ghetto and I went on a supply run and when we get back, there's three girls who look as though they were sisters. Shark and AK filled me in with what happened. "So Nick," Shark began."AK and I found these girls close by when they made camp close to this building."One of the girls who looked to be the leader started to talk.

"Cat, Smores wake up!" she began. "where's our stuff you stranger?" So why do I feel like she is Red but a good version? "Well we put it in a safe place for now until we can trust you." AK stated. "We were heading towards where my mother worked before she was eaten." Leader girl yelled."Shush your going to attract walkers." I hissed. But she didn't hear that so instead I asked this. "Who ate your mom?

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