Chapter 2

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Alyssa POV

I wake up tied to a pole with Cat and Smores and I noticed that I could slip out of it and free my friends but first I have to know who these people think they are to tie my friends and I up. "Hey what's going on?" I asked. But they didn't hear me so I try to wake up my friends. "Cat, Smores wake up!" So that got their attention. "Where's our stuff you stranger?" Why is there all guys and one girl in their group? "We put your stuff in a safe place for now until we can trust you." the guy in a mask said. "We were heading towards where my mother worked before she was eaten." I yelled. "Who ate your mother?" the guy with an "M"shirt asked. Oh no I don't want them to know I have a brother. "Was it a cannibal named Red? We've seen him before and he killed a friend of ours in Greenfield."M"shirt guy asked. "Nick are you sure you want to know their previous experiences with whoever they've run into?" A guy with green,red,and gray on his clothes.

"Ghetto we could help them if they ran into Red before." Nick said. "By the way what are your names?" Smores woke up and started to introduce each of us."My name is Smores and these are my friends Hotcat and Alyssa." I can tell that Nick is thinking about my name since I can read facial expressions."So Nick, would you please let us go? I think my friends and I should keep heading to the CDC." I say then I begin to shimmy my way out of the rope/pole prison thing. Mask guy and sunglasses guy see what I'm doing so they have Ghetto help tighten the knot. "Can you at least give us some food? We're starving."I say. Ghetto heads out to grab something and brings back four cans of peaches. Then he hands Hotcat, Smores, and I a can while he got the last one of the four he grabbed. "Ghetto can I have some peaches?" Nick asked. "Or some marshmallows?" Wait Ghetto had marshmallows and didn't offer?

"Nick I don't have any marshmallows. You keep asking when you know I don't have any." Ghetto said. "Anyway want to join our group? Your backpacks seemed to hold so much but their not even heavy." Well we got lightweight backpacks so if we had to run from walkers or another group, it wouldn't slow us down. I thought.

"So if we join your group will you at least let us have a room together,just us three girls?" I asked. "Sure, but could you tell us about yourself and your group?" Nick replied. "Well we've been friends since elementary school. Except Smores was one grade above me and Hotcat. We would play video games or just hang out." I said simply. There isn't much to say of us anyway but they were curious since they don't know or trust us yet. Which is perfectly fine as long as they don't tie people up.


Later on we had been with Nick and his group for two months and I haven't heard or seen Red at all. Then one night Nick and I were on guard duty and Nick spotted an army of some sort. "Red's coming." Nick said with urgency. "We need to wake everyone up before they can get killed." Oh god, now my brother is coming and my friends and I need to hide or he might take us." Nick what's up? Why do we need to go so soon?" Ghetto asked still sleepy. "Red is coming and my friends and I need to hide from him." I say looking over my shoulder every now and again. " Well why didn't you say so. I'll round everyone else while you guys keep watch for Red." Ghetto says before leaving.


I come across a walled base with a guard tower in the distance. I also spot a girl and a boy no doubt Nick, is keeping watch when I noticed something about the girl I haven't seen since two months ago on the first day of the apocalypse. Alyssa is alive? I thought. But why is she with Nick? I find out once I get over to the base. 


Hope you enjoyed the second chapter!

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