Makoto Tachibana X Reader

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Makoto Tachibana X Reader Lemon (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club)

(Y/n) POV

I grabbed my phone and dialed Makoto's number. I smiled when he picked up.

"Hey cutie! What's up?"

I smiled "I'm boredddd you should come over. We can go swimming or do whatever you want."

He laughed "aww babe its just Saturday. You miss me so much you can't go one day without seeing me?"

"Shut up!! Pleaseee come over?? I'm seriously super bored."

Makoto laughed "of course, I just had to mess with you a little first! I'll be over in about 5 minutes. And I'll bring my swim suit."

I smiled "okay! I love you!! See you soon!"

"I love you too" he hung up and I smiled and quickly got changed into my bikini. I blushed when I realized, Makoto hasn't really ever seen me wear a bikini. I always have a shirt on top or something because normally everyone else is with us. I'm fine with Makoto seeing me in it, I just feel weird around the others. But now suddenly as I think of Makoto seeing me in it I feel all nervous. So I grab a shirt and throw it on over me. Once I finish changing I hear a knock at the door "come in!! Its open!"

I was in my room trying to put my hair up into a ponytail when my hair tie broke "shit!"

"Is something wrong?"

I turned around and saw Makoto. "Hey! No, I just broke my hair tie and gotta find a new one."

"Where are they? I can find you one." He smiled sweetly at me.

I giggled "in the bathroom in the top drawer! Thank you"

He nodded his head and went to my bathroom. I smiled to myself, I was so happy he was mine. We've been together for almost a whole year now, and he's my entire world. I love him to death.

He comes back in with a hair tie "here, I can do it." He grabbed my hair brush and pulled my hair back into a pony tail for me. I smiled and turned around to face him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck

"Thank you"

"Of course!" He smiled and gently kissed me. "Now, let's go swimming!!"

I giggled as he picked me up bridal style and carried me outside. We had a pool at my house because my parents were both doctors, so we had a lot of money. Neither of them were st home a lot either so they got a pool and a bunch of other things so that I could be happy.

I held onto Makoto. I know what he was gonna do.

He laughed "why are you holding on so tight?"

"Your gonna throw me in!!"

"Better let goooo"

"No!!" I held on tighter.

"Fine then. We both go in" I held my breath as he jumped in while carrying me in his arms.

He let go of me while we were in the water and we both laughed when we came up. I smiled and swam to him. I put my hands on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close.

I giggled "you look good in your swim suit babe"

"I bet you look great in that bikini. Why don't you take the shirt off?"

"B-because! I'm embarrassed!"

He frowned "you shouldn't be. And anyways. Its not fair. If you get a shirt on so do I."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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